

時(shí)間:2023-04-26 17:37:54 作文 我要投稿




動(dòng)物的英語(yǔ)作文 篇1

  Since we go to school, we receive the education that animals are our friends that we should protect them. Recently, a deputy from National People’s Congress called for punishment of the one who abandons pets. It seems that the public cares for harmonious society.


  Animals are part of nature, so is human being. In the long history, human conquers the nature and creates the great civilization. It seems that we are in the dominant situation of nature. While the fact is not. When we receive the punishment from nature, we start to realize our fault. For example, nature punishes us with all kinds of disasters, the earthquake, the tsunami and so on. We are just a small part in front of the great nature, so the only way out is to get along well with it.


  Human killed many animals for chasing profits, but now the price is obvious. The air we breath is no longer clean and have damaged our health greatly. In fact, the way we treat animals decide our future fate. If they disappear, then we won’t live long.


  It is time to protect the animal, for saving ourselves.


動(dòng)物的英語(yǔ)作文 篇2

  one fine day my brother went to play in the long grass near the woods.

  ah fu-our dog followed him.

  there were flowers everywhere.

  my brother enjoyed himself very much.

  suddenly he saw a snake crawling through the grass up to him.

  he was too frightened to move.

  just at the moment ah fu jumped over at the snake and fought bravely with it.

  although ah fu was bitten by the snake, he was able to bite the snake to death.

  my father hurried over and gave ah fu a shot and ah fu was cured.

  it was our brave ah fu who saved my little brother.

動(dòng)物的英語(yǔ)作文 篇3

  In ‘Zootopia,’ an Intrepid Bunny Chases Her Dreams


  Easter is still weeks away, but pet stores may find that the added demand for rabbits the holiday brings will come early this year thanks to the irresistible “Zootopia,” an animated movie with an intrepid bunny named Judy Hopps at its core. Her fox sidekick, Nick Wilde, is mighty enjoyable, too.

  復(fù)活節(jié)還有幾個(gè)星期才會(huì)到來(lái),但是在寵物店里,今年對(duì)節(jié)日兔子的需求來(lái)得格外早,都是由于魅力無(wú)窮的動(dòng)畫(huà)電影《瘋狂動(dòng)物城》(Zootopia),影片主角是一只勇敢的兔子,名叫朱迪·霍普斯(Judy Hopps)。她的狐貍搭檔尼克·王爾德(Nick Wilde)也非?蓯(ài)。

  This film, action-packed and filled with enough savvy jokes that adults should consider slipping into the theater even if they don’t have an accompanying child, is set in a world where animals have transcended the carnivore-and-prey dichotomy and now live together more or less harmoniously.


  Judy (the voice of Ginnifer Goodwin of “Once Upon a Time”), a country bunny, wants to become the first rabbit police officer in the bustling metropolis of Zootopia, but her parents are not exactly the follow-your-dreams type.

  朱迪由《童話鎮(zhèn)》(Once Upon a Time)里的金妮弗·古德溫(Ginnifer Goodwin)配音,她是一只來(lái)自鄉(xiāng)村的兔子,想成為瘋狂動(dòng)物城大都會(huì)里的'第一個(gè)兔警官,但她的父母并不是支持子女夢(mèng)想的類型。

  “If you don’t try anything new, you’ll never fail,” her father (Don Lake) tells her. It’s a gag that encapsulates one of the best things about this film: It trusts young viewers to recognize the clichés they’ve been fed by other animated movies over the years and to appreciate seeing them subverted.

  “如果你不嘗試新鮮事物,就永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)失敗,”她的父親(唐·雷克[Don Lake]配音)告訴她。這句話可以概括整部影片最精彩的部分:它讓年輕觀眾回想起,多年來(lái)他們?cè)谄渌麆?dòng)畫(huà)片里聽(tīng)到的陳詞濫調(diào),并且開(kāi)始從顛覆的角度看待它們。

  Judy graduates from the police academy and ends up on the force in Zootopia, but her boss (Idris Elba) relegates her to parking-ticket duty while more experienced officers investigate 14 missing-mammal cases. While obsessively writing tickets, Judy meets Nick (Jason Bateman), a world-weary hustler who slowly becomes her friend and adviser as she pokes her nose into the missing-mammal epidemic despite her boss’s resistance.

  朱迪從警官學(xué)校畢業(yè)后,來(lái)到瘋狂動(dòng)物城服役,但她的上司(伊德里斯·艾爾巴[Idris Elba]配音)派她去開(kāi)停車罰單,更有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的警官們擇取調(diào)查14只哺乳動(dòng)物失蹤案。朱迪著迷地開(kāi)著罰單時(shí),遇到了尼克(杰森·貝特曼[Jason Bateman]配音),一個(gè)厭世的騙子,他倆慢慢成了朋友,朱迪不顧上司阻撓,開(kāi)始調(diào)查這起猖獗的哺乳動(dòng)物失蹤案,尼克成了朱迪的顧問(wèn)。

  If you’ve seen the trailer for this delightful movie you’ve already had a taste of what might be the greatest takedown of bureaucratic ineptitude ever filmed. It involves a trip by Judy and Nick to the Department of Motor Vehicles, with its all-sloth staff. In the context of children’s movies, it’s a fairly daring scene, since in an otherwise fast-moving story the joke takes a loooong time to roll out. But it sure is worth it.


  Anyway, Judy learns some hard truths as she delves deeper into the mystery, and young viewers will, too. Chief among those is one adults know well: Being civilized doesn’t mean tension and ugly thoughts disappear. Also, bringing about positive change isn’t as easy as it seems.


  “I came here to make the world a better place,” Judy laments after her good intentions backfire, “but I think I broke it.”


  Funny, smart, thought-provoking — and musical, too. Shakira provides the voice of a pop star named Gazelle, and her vocals complete the package appealingly.


  “Zootopia” is rated PG (Parental guidance suggested) for gently rude humor and occasional scariness. Running time: 1 hour 48 minutes.


動(dòng)物的英語(yǔ)作文 篇4

  i am a student from xinhua high school in chongqing,china. informed that you have a vacancy for a student to serve as the spokesman for animals, i cannot resist my inner excitement,hoping to seize the opportunity to do something for animals .

  in my mind,nothing can delight me so much as caring for animals. wherever i go and whatever i do, i usually keep in mind that animals are angels from the heaven, which bring us endless comfort and pleasure. i have been a panda lover since my childhood. panda is so lovely that brings fun to people and they are regarded as the treasure of our country. unfortunately,such a rare species is now faced with the danger of being extinct。what i am eager to do is to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earth companies.

動(dòng)物的英語(yǔ)作文 篇5

  On Wednesday, a sunny, I am cheerful mood and partners in the teacher led down the zoo visit.

  We just go into the zoo attracted by a burst of applause in the past. Follow the applause, we went to HouYuan, there was a sea of people, and we squeeze some time to see the monkeys. Those monkeys looks too interesting, mostly with a long brown hair, a face like a heart-shaped, small eyes, like peanuts, and a clever long tail; More interesting is their action, some monkeys in the trees, some in to another monkey monkey tickling, and the monkey is swinging in the tree; I will be in the hands of peanut threw a inside, see those monkeys like arrow immediately rushed over, a clever little monkey grabbed peanuts in confusion, with two dexterous hand fast break peanuts, taste with relish.

  Greets me after a colorful peony parrot, it's head like a dazzling sapphire, glittered in the sun, wearing a green armor, it's really beautiful! Then I heard the birds melodious songs, really made me relaxed and happy. Alive then, I saw only a kangaroo in a small house to play, finally let me sit up and take notice is the big baboon, eldest brother elder brothers give it food grade five, my brother throw not shelled peanut, baboon break does not open, with the hand to peanuts, rub, rub on the ground, the skylight, finally put the peanut peeling, baboon carefully taste the delicious peanuts, how delicious! The most I have a special liking to the peacock, a male peacock wearing blue crown, wearing coloured "small jacket", her nose up one, like a "big broom", really made my amazing, so beautiful, wow! I excitedly cried: "look, the peacock." Open slowly, the peacock's tail, a fan, a fan, like a fairy in dance, feather on the spot like small eyes, against the background of the sun is very bright, peacock slowly rolling, show its charm, and a squeaking sound, "it's really like a fairy!" I love not himself commended.

  Time passed in a hurry, it's back to school, we are reluctant to leave the zoo, everything here is so beautiful, so we regretted leaving.



  之后,映入我眼簾的是一只五顏六色的牡丹鸚鵡,它的頭頂像一顆璀璨的藍(lán)寶石,在陽(yáng)光的照耀下閃閃發(fā)光,身披“綠鎧甲”,可真美!然后我聽(tīng)到了鳥(niǎo)兒悅耳的鳴叫聲,真是令我心曠神怡。接著,我看到一只只活蹦亂跳的袋鼠在小房子里盡情的`玩耍,最后讓我刮目相看的是阿拉伯大狒狒,五年級(jí)的大哥哥們給它丟食物,哥哥把沒(méi)剝殼的花生扔進(jìn)去,狒狒用手掰不開(kāi),便把花生在地上搓呀搓,費(fèi)了九牛二虎之力,終于把花生剝開(kāi)了,狒狒細(xì)細(xì)地品嘗可口的花生,多好吃呀! 最令我情有獨(dú)鐘的就要數(shù)孔雀開(kāi)屏了,公孔雀頭帶藍(lán)皇冠,穿著五光十色的“小褂子”,尾巴一翹一翹的,像一把“大掃帚”,真是令我驚嘆不已,太美了,哇!我興奮地叫道:“快看,孔雀開(kāi)屏了!保兹傅奈舶托煨鞆堥_(kāi),一扇一扇,像一位小仙女在翩翩起舞,羽毛上的斑點(diǎn)像一個(gè)個(gè)小眼睛,在陽(yáng)光的襯托下顯得格外耀眼,孔雀緩緩轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)起來(lái),在展現(xiàn)它的風(fēng)姿,并且發(fā)出吱吱的叫聲,“真像仙女下凡啊!”我情不自盡地贊嘆道。
