

時間:2024-05-25 09:41:00 英語作文 我要投稿
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  The prosperity of the media has brought the omnipresence of media celebrities and sports stars, which also earns them a cult following, particularly young people. From my perspective, I tend to believe it does harm to adolescents when the worship is blind, especially when celebrities can hardly set a good example.

  Admittedly, star worship can provide a certain extent of spiritual comfort for the young generation, since the majority of them consider following idols as a way of alleviating stress from daily busy routines. In addition, emulating celebrities, especially those media stars and sports stars who have outstanding qualities, including diligence and persistence, can also motivate younger fans to spare no efforts in pursuing their own dreams. It is this kind of spiritual belief that inspires and encourages the ordinary fans to reach the peaks of their fields, benchmarking themselves against the shining models.

  However, over-adoration sometimes may exert negative influences on the youth considering its overwhelming impacts. For one thing, immature and impulsive young fans are extremely likely to excessively focus on the private life of celebrities. Instead of being influenced by the shining points of their career, young fans are more easily obsessed with the unattainable lifestyle of considerable luxury, which is detrimental to the formation of sound values during their formative years. For another, undesirable impacts may even be aggravated when idols are involved in negative scandals or show poor performance in the public, given that young people, without proper judgement of right and wrong, may imitate what some entertainment stars or top athletes do, irrespective of violation to the social order or addiction to alcohol and drugs. In the long run, blindly following suit as celebrities, without critical and independent thinking, will lead to adverse social conduct.

  In conclusion, in my opinion, the misleading effects on young followers cannot be ignored when we consider some misbehaviors of celebrities. Adequate guidance should be guaranteed for the young audience to ensure they can truly distinguish the good traits which deserve to be emulated.


  This response addresses the requirements of the task and selects relevant material to describe. Key features and an overview are presented, although clearer highlighting, more support and a more comprehensive overview would be needed to reach a higher band. Information is well-organised and there is a clear overall progression in the response. There is some effective use of cohesive devices, but only limited use of reference and substitution. The range of vocabulary is not wide, but it is adequate for the task.

  Control of word form and spelling is consistentlygood, although there are some clumsy noun phrases that indicatelimited flexibility. The candidate attempts to use a mix of simple and complex sentences, but control is variable and grammatical errors or omissionsare quite intrusive at times. Figures are poorly integrated into sentences and indicate evident limitations.



  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:

  Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair.

  Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  Write at least 250 words.


  As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagantlifestyles with huge houses and cars.

  Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibilityof governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.

  Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform. in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of thesefactors may justify the huge earnings.

  Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicatesthat our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.


  I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I believe that building a large factory near my community has advantages as well as disadvantages. In the following paragraphs I will list basic benefits and losses that will be brought by a new factory.

  For several reasons, I think that a new factory will not be a good addition to my neighborhood. First of all, factories often bring pollution. They are prone to contaminating the local air and water. Second of all, factories make noise. Another important aspect of building a new factory near by is that it will make the local traffic heavy. As a result of this, the amount of traffic congestions will increase, as well as contamination of the air. So, all these obviously will not make one's life happier and healthier in my community.

  From the other side, I believe that a new factory will bring some advantages to my community. First of all, it will bring new job opportunities. Many specialists will be required to work there. Second of all, I think many local community facilities will have to be renovated to obtain reliable supply of water and electricity. So, some old pipes may be changed. Another important benefit of this is that the local roads in order to manage the increasing traffic will be rebuilt and widened.

  However, I do not think that listed above benefits are worth all these troubles including water contamination and the constant pollution of air. From my point of view all factories must be built far from the people communities because they can be really harmful for people's health.


  Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant.

  The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas. Furthermore, the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be unhealthy and stressful.

  However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these problems. Firstly, they could invest money in the building of affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban vehicles from city centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport, which would help to reduce both air pollution and traffic congestion. In London, for example, the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has helped to curb the traffic problem. A third option would be to develop provincial towns and rural areas, by moving industry and jobs to those regions, in order to reduce the pressure on major cities.

  In conclusion, governments could certainly implement a range of measures to enhance the quality of life for all city residents.


  Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?

  lt is no doubt true that the majority of people would like tobe happy in their lives.While the personal nature of happiness makes it difficult to describe, there do seem to besome common needs that we all share with regard to experiencing or achieving happiness.

  Happiness is difficult to define because it means something different to each individual person. Nobody can fully understand or experience another person's feelings, and we all have our own particular passions from which we take pleasure. Some people, for example, derive a sense of satisfaction from earning money or achieving success,whereas for others, health and family are much more important. At the same time, a range of other feelings, from excitement to peacefulness, may be associated with the idea of happiness, and the same person may therefore feel happy in a variety of different ways.

  Although it seems almost impossible to give a precise definition of happiness, most people would agree that there are some basic preconditions to achieving it. Firstly, it is hardfor a person to be happy if he or she does not have a safe place to live and enough food to eat. Our basic survival needs must surely be met before we can lead a pleasant life.Secondly, the greatest joy in life is usually found in shared experiences with family and friends, and it is rare to find a person who is content to live in complete isolation. Other key factors could be individual freedom and a sense of purpose in life.

  ln conclusion, happiness is difficult to define because it is particular to each individual, but l believe that our basic needs for shelter, food and company need to be fulfilled before we can experience it.


  1. 主語從句


  例如:What he wants is a ball.


  2. 賓語從句


  例如:He didn’t make clear what he meant.

  3. 同位語從句


  例如:They spread the false report that Tom cheated in the exam.

  4. 定語從句(形容詞性從句)


  例如:The wolf (that) this man saw was big.

  5. 狀語從句(副詞性從句)


  例如:When I wake up,I usually make a list of to-dos.





  1. 清晰的邏輯:一個好的句子應該明確地表達出觀點和信息,邏輯嚴密,讓讀者容易理解。

  2. 語法準確:在寫作中,正確使用語法是必不可少的。要注意時態(tài)、語態(tài)、語氣等細節(jié)。

  3. 用詞:用詞才能準確地表達出意思,讓讀者一目了然。


  1. 熟悉評分標準:了解評分標準,才能更好地備考。要注重句子結構、詞匯運用和語言表達等方面的訓練。

  2. 多練習:只有通過大量的寫作練習,才能熟練掌握高分句型和寫作技巧。

  3. 注重細節(jié):注意文章的排版、分段、字體、標點符號等細節(jié),這些都會影響評分結果。



  原句:The goverme should icrease he ivesme i public rasporaio o reduce raffic cogesio.

  改寫后:Public rasporaio should be ecouraged hrough icreased goverme ivesme as i ca sigificaly alleviae raffic cogesio.





  Explain some of the ways in which humans are damagingthe environment. What can governments do to addressthese problems? What can individual people do?

  Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to address these problems.

  Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming, which may have a devastating effect on the planet in the future. As the human population increases, we are also producing ever greater quantities of waste, which contaminates the earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.

  Governments could certainly make more effort to reduce air pollution. They could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories or to force companies to use renewable energy from solar, wind or water power. They could also impose 'green taxes' on drivers and airline companies. In this way, people would be encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore reducing emissions.

  Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact they have on the environment. They can take public transport rather than driving, choose products with less packaging, and recycle as much as possible. Most supermarkets now provide reusable bags for shoppers as well as 'banks' for recycling glass, plastic and paper in their car parks. By reusing and recycling, we can help to reduce waste.

  In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must play their part in looking after the environment.



  Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What are the reasons for this problem? What are the effects on the society?

  some people think educate children of different abilities together will benefitthem. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and give specialcourses, discuss both side and give own opinion! (因材施教。拓展:學術教育與是非觀教育、是否該學外語、大學生該博學還是更專業(yè)、上不上補習班、一起學還是獨自學、老師和家長對孩子的影響、該不該分科、教育競賽還是合作)

  University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some peoplethink universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjectsin addition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (通才還是專才。拓展:年輕人就業(yè)、成年人教育、游學)

  Some people think young people should go to university to further their educationwhile others think they should been encouraged to work as car mechanics orbuilders etc. to serve society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(教育的程度。拓展:是否該上大學、大學是否應理論實踐相結合、短期教育與終身教育、學生是否應該打工)

  Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every subject.Do you agree or disagree。 (教育平等。拓展:農村學生教育、留學利弊、游學、學習態(tài)度、私立學校優(yōu)缺點、教育投入)


  Nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand, agree ordisagree? (科技進步。拓展:機器人危險嗎、手機帶來的影響、科技改變工作方式、科技改變生活方式、新技術加大貧富差距、計算機取代教師?電腦互聯(lián)網(wǎng)帶來的.影響、信會不會消失)

  Economic progress is one way to measure the success of one country, while some peoplethink there are other factors. What other factors should be considered? Withinthese factors, do you think anyone is more important than the others? (經濟。拓展:是否應大力發(fā)展農業(yè)、城鄉(xiāng)差距、國家成功標志、該不該交稅、國家間經濟互助)

  Most countries want to improve standard of living through economic development,however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the advantagesof economic development outweigh the disadvantages? (經濟)


  Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However,other people think that zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss bothviews and give your own opinion. (動物保護)


  Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasingly common to hear people talk about the social obligations that companies have. I completely agree with the idea that businesses should do more for society than simply make money.

  On the one hand, I accept that businesses must make money in order to survive in a competitive world. It seems logical that the priority of any company should be to cover its running costs, such as employees’ wages and payments for buildings and utilities. On top of these costs, companies also need to invest in improvements and innovations if they wish to remain successful. If a company is unable to pay its bills or meet the changing needs of customers, any concerns about social responsibilities become irrelevant. In other words, a company can only make a positive contribution to society if it is in good financial health.

  On the other hand, companies should not be run with the sole aim of maximising profit; they have a wider role to play in society. One social obligation that owners and managers have is to treat their employees well, rather than exploiting them. For example, they could pay a “l(fā)iving wage” to ensure that workers have a good quality of life. I also like the idea that businesses could use a proportion of their profits to support local charities, environmental projects or education initiatives. Finally, instead of trying to minimise their tax payments by using accounting loopholes, I believe that company bosses should be happy to contribute to society through the tax system.

  In conclusion, I believe that companies should place as much importance on their social responsibilities as they do on their financial objectives.


  Some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficulties posed by the “real world” when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children of wealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties.The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident,but in fact require closer examination.

  The popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on the value of a buck ,and are thus naturally better suited to stretching money when times get tough in adulthood. Inversely, the children of wealthy families,thoseborn with a silver spoon in their mouths,are believed to be completely ignorant of the tentimes erroneously expecting the same situation in adulthood.They are believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility. This belief,though logical,overlooks one key point which is,of course,education.

  The basis of this argument is,of course,knowing the value of money ,and the idea that children of the poor know this,and those of the wealthy do not.Who though,is in a better position to teach their children the value of money,someone skilled in earning and keeping it,the wealthy parent,or someone who can not seem to acquire it,the poor parent? Both wealthy and poor children are equally likely to acquire an education in money,whether it is formal,or in the school of hard knocks. Conversely, both children are as likely to ignore this education.

  A poor child may believe that one can get along,if not as easily,without wealthy.A wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steeped in the knowledge of money management,the key to developing this skill is education.


  With the expansion of cities, people have to spend more and more time travelling to and from work. As one solution to this problem, it is suggested that apartment buildings should be planted near the city centre in place of parks and gardens.

  This idea, if well carried out, can be rather effective in reducing the commuting time for many workers. Living in the apartment buildings close to work can help save a lot of time because the commuters do not have to travel that much. They can even walk to their offices. This is actually a beautiful dream for many who have been troubled by the heavy traffic in big cities on their way to and from work.

  On second thoughts, however, the dream may not be that beautiful at all. We can hardly imagine what the city centre would look like when millions of people moved into the numerous apartment buildings there. It would become a great deal more crowded and polluted than before. To make it worse, when they need to find a park or garden so that they can take a little rest, people would have to spend a few hours travelling out of town. Working and living in such a busy and noisy environment, people would not be able to find the pleasure that is so important for their work and life, and the benefits they have gained from the shortened travelling time would be undone to a large extent.

  In fact, in order to reduce the commuting time, there are better measures than having more apartment buildings in the city centre. One such measure is to take advantage of the advanced telecommunication technologies which enable people to work from home. This will save them from travelling a long way to work and at the same time maintain their positive feeling towards life and work.


  Computer,the most exciting and significant invention in 20 century,will reshape our lives and our a result,some people proclaim that computers should be involved into our classroom,and replace the roles of human cannot agree with their point of view.w.

  Admittedly,as the useful tools,computers can become the optimum assistants for human teachers in the beginning,vivid pictures shown on screen can motivate students’interest and curiosity combination of computers and Internet can provide children the abundant computers enjoy considerable merits,they cannot compare with human teachers for two main reasons.ns.

  Among countless factors which influence my inclination,there is a most conspicuous one:computers are not as qualified as human teachers in academic we all know,students can get the final result of a mathematic question under the help of computers,however,they are still confused on the whole computing contrast,our human teachers’performance is much better in those not only can teach students how to analyze and compute the question,but also can remind them what are the possible errors that they may teachers are more adequate than computers in academic aspect.ect.

  The second advantage of human teachers is they can guide students to deal with some psychological problems that they meet in China,sometimes,teachers even burden many responsibilities that students’parents example,as for the student with rebellious spirit,the important duty for teachers is to prevent the student from campus violence,even cannot do that.at.

  In summary,from what has been discussed above,we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the positions of human teachers are unshakable,and computers cannot take the places of them.

  In this IT age,computers are widely used in the classroom in order to enrich the methods of phenomenon gives some the illusion that the thing teaching students is no longer the teacher but a disagree with this opinion.n.

  As another machines,computer doesn’t enable to control computers are capable of learning from their mistakes and improving on their performance,they need details instructions from human being in order to be able to can never,as it were lead independent lives,no mention teaching case a computer lacks the control of a teacher,there is no difference between a computer and waste.te.

  Not only this,but computers,unlike a teacher,can’t solve a variety of new is developing in today’s society,including example,a student suddenly asks a creative question that the computer isn’t programmed for,it can do nothing,while teacher can explain clearly though abundant teaching experience.e.

  Last but not least,the computer can’t communicate with students from as an eyesight or gesture of teacher can transfer his or her idea and feeling to this way,students can feel more human touch in the comparison,the computer is too dry and dusty to understand.nd.

  All in all,no matter how nice a computer is,it can’t take the place of course,I don’t mean that computer is contrary,I believe it will become the most powerful assistants to teacher in further.r.


  In modern society, many companies attach great importance to how employees dress at work, while others consider that work efficiency is far more important than employees' appearance. In my opinion, the smart dressing style of workers plays a crucial role, but the quality of work should be prioritized.

  People who favour the importance of dressing argue that dressing well can bring many benefits to the company and individual. First of all, appropriate workplace clothing can demonstrate a high level of professionalism, which is best illustrated by bank employees wearing formal attire and salespeople wearing business suit. In addition, an exquisite outlook creates a positive attitude which aids employees in building social networks and developing business. A recent survey in China reveals that wearing a formal suit will impress potential clients that you are working at a trustworthy company, whereas casual outfits typically wind up with an opposite effect.

  However, the success and reputation of enterprises mainly depend on the quality of work. Firstly, product quality is a necessary factor to ensure customer satisfaction. Therefore, the high requirements for quality work generate higher profits and enhance market competitiveness. What is more, the dress code for employees is dropping with technology innovation and job diversification. In the workplace where projects and tasks are done online, employees only focus on their capacity and productivity instead of outward look. Companies like Apple and Google, for example, are so tolerant of dress code that employees feel free to excel in their work.

  In conclusion, if an enterprise demands for long-term and sustainable development, the quality of work always comes first. While employees need to be cautious about the way they dress to work, it is the quality of work that they should value most.


  What are the causes for losing varieties in languages and cultures?

  Every human society has a culture that includes arts, customs, language, etc. Every culture changes and the main causes for losing varieties in language and culture, in my opinion, are: contact with other cultures, and development of science and technology.

  When two cultures have continuous contact with each other, the two cultures may blend or adopt their cultural traits, such as language, clothing, etc. thus losing their individual cultural varieties. When people of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may give up their old ways and become part of the dominant culture. For example, groups of people from many countries have settled in the United States. Most of these people gradually abandoned the way of life of their homeland, and adopted an American way of life. They learned the language, adopted the customs, and followed the traditions.

  The development of science and technology, on the other hand, may attribute to changes in a culture. The invention of steam engine, for example, produced great changes in the way people lived. The invention of the computer in the mid 20th century has also had enormous impact. It has brought far-reaching changes in communication, education, entertainment, and numerous other areas of modern life.

  In conclusion, to lose varieties in language and culture is to lose richness in them. Therefore, to my mind, multiculturalism should prevail in the contemporary world, so that ethnic groups can bring variety and richness to a society by introducing their own ideas and customs.









