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  此時(shí)有聲勝無(wú)聲英語(yǔ)作文 1


  Bai Juyi wrote the eternal quatrain "dont worry about life, but its better to be silent than to have a voice". Perhaps, this is the best portrayal of thousands of words in silence at that time. But sometimes, or more often, there should be more sound than silence.


  Language is an important difference between human beings and other animals. It must have its own advantages. Its a bridge between people. Its a useful means to resolve hatred. Its the basis of state to state cooperation


  The most admired person in this life is the power of candle. Its not that he is willing to put down his personal grudges and stand up for the country, but that he can use a paragraph to make Qin Shi retreat from the border and save a country, a country that is going to die. "If Zhengs death is beneficial to you, dare to annoy the Deacon", "if you are despicable and far away from the state, you will find it hard to understand", "how can you use Zhengs death to accompany your neighbors? These sentences hit the point. They were simple and clear. Qin Bo felt that the harm of losing Zheng was to give up attacking Zheng. This is the power of language to promote communication! How can people not admire?


  Cao Zhi is the most admired person in his life. Imagine the power of language when Cao Zhi was deliberately challenged by his brother. Cao Pi asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem in seven steps. Could it be silent at this time? Cao Zhi chanted with astonishing wisdom, "boil the beans and burn them, and the beans weep in the cauldron. It was born of the same root. Why is it too urgent to fry each other? " The seven step poem. This is the charm of language. The short four lines of poetry left Cao Pi a life. At the same time, this is a kind of communication between them. How can such a powerful person not be worshipped?


  The most admired person in this life is the touch dragon. A little minister could persuade empress dowager Zhao to send her most secure son, Changan Jun, to be a hostage. The sentence "parents love their children, and they have a profound plan" often echoes in my ear, reminding me of the power of language in communication.


  These examples show us the charm of language in communication. In the same way, when you are not good at controlling language communication, it may cause serious consequences. Isnt it clear that Feng Fu of Jin was burned alive in ancient times? In modern times, the lack of communication between parents and children is weakening the power of language? Maybe as long as parents and their children take a little time to chat, many tragedies can be avoided.


  Yes, we dont have zoujis ability to satirize the king of Qi, and we dont have the wisdom of Premier Zhou Enlai to answer reporters skillfully. But we all have the ability to express ourselves in words. Why not make the best of everything?


  In todays knowledge economy, we should constantly improve our language communication ability, so as to be based on the society.


  Please remember, this is a society with voice rather than silence.

  此時(shí)有聲勝無(wú)聲英語(yǔ)作文 2

  In the realm of human communication, there often exists an unspoken understanding that actions speak louder than words. However, the inverse, sometimes silence speaks louder than words, holds equal if not more profound truth. This paradoxical phrase underscores the power of non-verbal cues and the weight of what is left unsaid in conveying emotions, intentions, and even wisdom.

  Imagine a scene where two friends, after a heated argument, find themselves in a room filled with tense silence. No words are exchanged, yet the air crackles with unspoken apologies, regret, and a longing for reconciliation. In this instance, silence becomes a canvas upon which the hearts deepest sentiments are painted, more eloquently than any vocabulary could express. It allows for reflection, for the cooling of tempers, and for the quiet contemplation necessary for true understanding to blossom.

  Furthermore, silence can be a tool of great power in situations that demand respect or solemnity. At a funeral, for example, the respectful hush that envelops the mourners communicates a shared grief and reverence for the departed far more effectively than any spoken eulogy ever could. Here, silence serves as a communal language, binding people together in their sorrow and commemorating the dignity of life.

  In personal growth and spiritual journeys, silence plays a pivotal role. Meditation, a practice cherished across cultures, emphasizes the importance of stilling the mind and embracing the void of sound. Through this deliberate silence, individuals can delve into their inner selves, finding answers to lifes mysteries and cultivating a deeper sense of peace and self-awareness. The absence of external noise fosters an environment where the whispers of the soul can finally be heard.

  Yet, it is crucial to note that the effectiveness of silence lies in its judicious use. An inappropriate or prolonged silence can breed misunderstanding or convey indifference. The art, therefore, lies in knowing when to let words fall away and when to break the silence with carefully chosen phrases.

  In conclusion, silence speaks louder than words is not merely a contrarian view but a testament to the complexity and depth of human communication. It reminds us that in the delicate dance of interpersonal relationships, the pauses between notes can resonate just as strongly, if not more, than the notes themselves. Silence, when used wisely, can be a symphony of unspoken understanding, healing, and profound connection.

  此時(shí)有聲勝無(wú)聲英語(yǔ)作文 3

  In the cacophony of daily life, we often overlook the subtle eloquence of silence. Our world is one that reverberates with endless streams of information, opinions, and noise. Yet, amidst this chaos, moments of thoughtful quietude can hold unparalleled significance. Here, silence becomes a language of its own, communicating in ways that words often fail to achieve.

  Consider a parent watching their child take their first steps. No cheers or encouragements are necessary; the silent beam of pride on the parents face speaks volumes about their love, support, and awe. In this instance, silence acts as a bridge, conveying emotions too profound for mere language to encapsulate fully.

  Similarly, in times of deep sorrow or contemplation, silence offers a sanctuary. When tragedy strikes, a comforting hand on a shoulder or a shared moment of quiet can provide solace more effectively than any string of安慰的話語(yǔ). Silence acknowledges the weight of the moment, allowing space for grief or introspection without intrusion.

  Moreover, silence fosters an environment conducive to learning and creativity. In classrooms, the pause after a question encourages students to think critically rather than simply react. In artistic pursuits, moments of quiet allow inspiration to flourish, unhampered by the constant chatter of the outside world. Silence, then, becomes a catalyst for intellectual and creative breakthroughs.

  On a societal level, strategic use of silence can be a form of protest or resistance. A silent march, for example, can communicate dissent and solidarity more potently than any shouted slogan. By choosing silence, individuals make a statement about the gravity of the issue at hand, demanding attention through the very act of withholding their voices.

  However, its essential to recognize that silence isnt always golden. Sometimes, silence can perpetuate injustice or misunderstandings when open dialogue is necessary. The key lies in discerning when to employ silence as a tool for connection, empathy, or impact, and when to break it with the clarity of well-chosen words.

  In essence, here, silence is louder than words encapsulates the idea that sometimes, the most profound expressions of humanity lie not in what we say, but in what we choose not to say. Silence, when wielded with intention, can be a powerful communicator of emotions, a facilitator of thought, and a testament to the intricate tapestry of human interaction.

  此時(shí)有聲勝無(wú)聲英語(yǔ)作文 4

  In the symphony of life, where every moment resonates with the cacophony of words, laughter, and the humdrum of daily existence, there lies a profound truth: Sometimes, silence speaks louder than any sound. It is in these quiet moments that the soul finds solace, the mind clarifies, and the heart connects deeply with the essence of things.

  Silence as a Meditative Oasis

  Amidst the chaos of modern life, silence offers a sanctuary where one can retreat and recharge. It is a time to let go of the chatter in our heads, the endless to-do lists, and the pressures of society. In meditation, silence becomes a tool for introspection, allowing us to understand ourselves better, to identify our true desires, and to cultivate a sense of peace within. This inner peace, born from silence, radiates outwards, enhancing our relationships and overall well-being.

  Silence as a Bridge of Understanding

  In communication, silence can often be more powerful than words. When we listen intently, without interrupting or formulating a response, we demonstrate empathy and respect. This non-verbal exchange fosters deeper connections and understanding. In conflicts, a moment of silence can diffuse tension, allowing both parties to reflect and approach the issue from a more calm and rational perspective. Silence, thus, acts as a catalyst for resolution and healing.

  Silence in Artistic Expression

  Art, in all its forms, often finds its most profound expressions in silence. A painting that evokes emotions without a single word, a dance that tells a story through movement alone, or a piece of music that stirs the soul with its harmonies – these are all testaments to the power of silence. They invite the viewer, listener, or observer to fill in the blanks, to create their own narratives, and to experience art on a deeply personal level.


  In conclusion, silence is not merely the absence of sound; it is a potent force that shapes our lives in immeasurable ways. It nurtures the soul, fosters deeper connections, and inspires artistic creativity. As we navigate through the noisy world, let us not forget to embrace the quietude within and around us. For, at times, the most profound messages are conveyed, and the deepest emotions are felt, in the gentle whispers of silence.

  此時(shí)有聲勝無(wú)聲英語(yǔ)作文 5

  In the cacophony of daily life, where every corner echoes with the sounds of hustle and bustle, there exists a subtle yet profound harmony – the melody of silence. It is a counterpoint to the symphony of life, offering moments of tranquility and introspection amidst the clamor.

  Silence as a Gateway to the Sublime

  At times, silence is the gateway to experiences that transcend the mundane. A quiet walk in nature, for instance, allows us to connect with the beauty of the world around us in a way that words cannot capture. The rustling of leaves, the distant chirping of birds, and the gentle whisper of the wind – these subtle sounds, when heard amidst silence, become a symphony of their own, inviting us into a realm of awe and wonder.

  Silence as a Vehicle for Creativity

  Moreover, silence fosters creativity and imagination. When the mind is freed from the constant chatter of thoughts, it becomes more receptive to new ideas and perspectives. This is why many artists, writers, and thinkers seek solitude and silence to unleash their creativity. In these moments, the mind wanders freely, making connections that might have gone unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of daily life.

  Silence in Relationships

  In the realm of human relationships, silence can be a source of strength and intimacy. A meaningful silence shared between loved ones can convey emotions and understanding that words sometimes fail to capture. It is in these quiet moments that we feel most connected to each other, as if our souls are speaking in a language beyond words.

  The Art of Practicing Silence

  However, learning to appreciate and practice silence is not always easy. In a world that values constant activity and communication, silence can sometimes feel uncomfortable or even threatening. But with practice, we can cultivate a sense of comfort in silence, recognizing it as a valuable and necessary aspect of life.


  In conclusion, silence is a vital component of the human experience, offering moments of tranquility, creativity, and connection. It is a counterpoint to the symphony of life, enriching our existence with a depth and complexity that words alone cannot convey. As we continue to navigate the noisy world, let us cherish and cultivate the art of silence.









