

時間:2021-09-05 09:12:27 春節(jié)作文 我要投稿



















  我回到了家,見到了幾年沒見面的老奶奶、爺爺、奶奶…… 他們見到我們高興的合不攏嘴。奶奶嘴里說:“你們總算能回家過個年了”。說著眼淚流出來了。




















  年三十,也就是除夕這天,每個人除非萬不得已,定要回家吃團圓飯。一家子的男女老少聚坐在大飯桌旁吃著熱氣騰騰的火鍋,人們臉上都掛著幸福的微笑。吃過飯,邊看著電視里的春節(jié)聯(lián)歡晚會,大家邊互相聊著這一年里自己遇到的逸聞趣事,說的人眉飛色舞,聽的人津津有味。屋里洋溢著大家歡快的笑聲。人們在外邊玩耍 ,放鞭炮。只聽“砰”的一聲,絢麗的煙花飛上了漆黑的夜空,一下子就炸了開來,“花瓣兒”頓時被灑滿了天際,天被照得亮如白晝。各色的煙花一朵連一朵綻放在天邊,它們盛開了一會兒便又隕落,但仍為天空增色不少。
















  Spring Festival holiday, my father and mother and I returned home for the new year.

  There was no holiday in the school, and my heart had long gone to my home. The first night of my departure, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. I fell asleep on the train. When I woke up, the car had arrived.

  Let's go back to the father of the "nest", also is the grandfather home. Just entered the room, I grabbed the tongs in the fire in the fire to play. I love the fire in the fireplace. Because we have a home with a gas stove, and grandpa home is the fire, need to constantly add firewood. I most love to add firewood fire.

  It's fun for me to play the balloon with my friends. We hold a breath and blow the balloon. After a while, it blew out of the many brightly coloured balloons, sizes, and then we put the balloon bottom up a hand, the balloon will issue a "creak" sound, whirling in the air and gas finished, will fall to the ground. We also put many balloons in a few strings, hanging on the wall or ceiling, adding the atmosphere of the festival.

  The most exciting thing for me is to put fireworks in the thirty nights of the year. We put the rod next to the stone and ran away immediately after lighting the lead with a lighter. After a few seconds, a small, shiny little ball ejected from it and thrown into the night sky was like a signal bomb, and it was like meteors. When the ball exploded in the air, it threw a lot of light and dressed the night sky in colourful.

  The first day, we went to the mother of the "nest" is my grandma. There's something fun there.

  First, when I got home, I was playing with the old black cat. I was playing a joke with it with a toy water gun full of water. While he was careful to eat, I shot the water gun at its nose and sprayed the water on its face. It hurriedly shakes his head, shaking off the nose of the water, suddenly shouted, "meow!" claws to catch me, I am scared satuijiupao.

  On the hillside on the opposite side of my grandmother's house, my friends and I were going to build a small house there. We cut some wood with a sickle, and prepared some stone, stone and some Hokudo. After preparing the material, we began to repair the house. First of all, four wooden stakes are used as columns. Then a wall is built around a high wall around the wall with a stone board, and only a door is left in the south. Then, in a few short and tied to the roof of kudzu, then a lot of cypress cover in the interstices of the roof, this is the ceiling. The flagstone in the middle of the room, with a fireplace. The house is fixed. Our house is beautiful, modern and fashionable. I am proud of our masterpiece. I seemed to be an engineer myself.

  During the Spring Festival, I also played ping-pong, teeton and grandpa to the east mountain to look for Magnolia. It was interesting.

  I don't have any new fun things in my old home, so I like to go back to my home every year.


  There is no doubt that the new year is very lively, in my hometown (Miluo) I think it is more wonderful.

  And do not say not to have one year to boil Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits child, and do not want to go ahead of the firecrackers, said that painting and poetic couplet, now believe in this city, posted antithetical couplet are posted New Year paintings I am afraid it is not to mention the scanty, pure Handmade cut paste. My family's annual painting is completely the grandmother to buy his own red paper to take the scissors themselves with a knife cut. The original, thin, ordinary paper, less than ten minutes on her grandmother's hand, became a beautiful, interesting and story cutting year. Especially that one animal paper-cut is more vivid expression New Year paintings, action and vivid, so I also cut a little more time to grandma that monkey bird what, in his hand on the wall, very nice.

  And in the twenty-four year, a small climax that is the spring festival. Almost as long as it is less than 12 years old children in all 32 groups Wai together, hand a few rockets to “ ” field volley, some even a little boring to a worthless chicken casually to a few, they rushed scared everywhere channeling, so that some hens was not scared eggs, some black dog was not scared to the nest. And then, naturally, they were seen to be dragged home to &ldquo by the serious adults, and to educate ” go.

  As for me, I was making dumplings with my grandmother. Grandmother dumplings a plump and nice, and I was walking “ odd ” the line style, will be in my mind that personality and strange ideas to fully carry forward “ ” — — some dumplings package particularly like dumplings, some special small package Glutinous Rice Balls, put some especially, some do not like meat buns, meat like Steamed Buns. Then, I will with these great works show me to grandma, grandma is SAMSAM laughed zhikua I cute.......

  Talk about our most interesting and flavour custom — — play the Dragon guessing ball.

  It's one of the most busy projects. First, on the day of the twenty-eight, the village leader took about 30 village names and raised three &ldquo together; Dlong ” from the foot of the village to Haruki. (continuing to new year's Eve.) Then in the large tables and bench in Haruki place, topped with a rod hanging large ball. “ three ” there will be a long struggle to “ ” header. All the village names then start to bet on which “ Dragon ” win. The amount of the bet is also fine, 6 yuan, 6 corners, and 66 yuan. Of course, I'm sure one of the people who won 6 yuan and 6 corners every time and win every time. Grandmother, mother saw me win every time, but also some helpless I so love money and fun, but also happy as long as I am happy.

  When true to the new year's Eve spring festival day, all day long salute to the sky, never interrupted. I will be the first to go outside to see fireworks, firecrackers, and a man's family is happy naughty.


  Before the Spring Festival, whether it's an airport, a railway station or a bus stop, you can always see people rushing to and fro. These people are going to go to different places instead of foreign lands. They have been abroad for a year, and they miss their hometown's parents and their special dishes.

  No matter how beautiful the Zhangjiajie is and how beautiful the hometown is, no matter how close the tour guide is, there is no family member. No matter the snow or the hot sun, people will never forget to go home. No matter how busy the work is, they must also take time to go home to accompany their old mother.

  Home, a very familiar place, it is the place where we were born, where we have parents. One day apart, you, yes, even a day not to go home, I'll miss my hometown scenery, relatives and dishes.

  Nowadays, the traffic is very developed, and more people go home. When you get home, you will feel the warmth and joy of love. I am glad that I have not wanderer, not far away from my parents, because my hometown always makes me warm.

  Homesick, will be sad, will cry, at this time, we always look far away, watching the bright spot, that is home.

  In the spring of the year, all families celebrated reunion and set off firecrackers. But there are a few did not move, because the children did not return, they are not happy, then, the doorbell rang, my father would rush to open the door, a look at the neighbor Lee four, the mood feeling lost, etc.! Wait! Finally, at twelve hours in the night, waiting for the return of the children, you said that parents can not be excited, can not be happy?

  It's a new year. Let's go home a lot. No parents worry more.









