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2009年12月15日 親愛的愛瑪老師, 他的錯誤和挫折有:當(dāng)他試圖生火時,用錯燃料了,結(jié)果花了很長時間才把火生起來; 他做了魚叉后,總是瞄不準(zhǔn),叉不到魚。 他的勝利是:第一次成功生火; 第一次殺魚; 第一次殺了一只動物,吃到了除魚以外的其它肉類。這本書對他回到現(xiàn)實生活中后的事情沒有過多描述,不過確實講到他被救幾年后仍然很瘦。 而且自從他離開樹林,他在說話或做事前總會仔細(xì)思考,觀察能力也比以前強多了。 現(xiàn)在我在讀《美國的愛爾蘭移民》,這是一本“你來選擇”書,在書里讀者可以自行決定故事怎么發(fā)展下去。 讀了這本書,我懂得了當(dāng)時的愛爾蘭移民生活多么艱難。他們能找到的工作工資都極低,很多工作非常危險。 我剛讀完《日裔美國人拘留營》,作者瑞秋-漢內(nèi)爾。這也是一本“你來選擇”書。 我認(rèn)為如此多的日裔美國人被迫失去工作, 被關(guān)到安置營是極其不公平的事。即使他們沒有做任何錯事,甚至在戰(zhàn)后,他們依然面對很多的歧視。 現(xiàn)在我在讀卡爾-希爾森的《傾瀉》。這本書講述一個叫諾亞的男孩,想要證明達(dá)斯丁在非法向水里傾瀉污物。 達(dá)斯丁的船已被諾亞的爸爸弄沉。 諾亞的爸爸熱愛環(huán)境和動物。 很多時候,當(dāng)他看到有人危害動物,污染環(huán)境時,他會憤怒得失去理智。我認(rèn)為他被關(guān)起來,沒有辦法證明達(dá)斯丁的所作所為,對他很不公平。   您的學(xué)生,   冰 *** 2010年1月4日 親愛的冰, 你讀過卡爾-希爾森所著的其它書籍嗎?他在弗羅里達(dá)出生和長大, 高中畢業(yè)后上了弗羅里達(dá)大學(xué), 畢業(yè)后在“邁阿密先驅(qū)報”的刑事版做記者。他的很多書的構(gòu)想來自在弗羅里達(dá)發(fā)生的真實案件。 諾亞和阿比是怎樣幫助他們的父親證明達(dá)斯丁確實從船的污水泵里向外排泄污物了?   真誠的,   愛瑪老師 ***   12/15/2009 Dear Ms. Emma, Here are some of his mistakes or setbacks: When he tried to start a fire, his fuel was wrong and it took a while to make one.  Another one was when he made a fishing spear; he didn’t aim right and always missed.  Some of his triumphs were: When he started his first fire, when he first killed a fish, and the first time he killed and ate actual meat instead of fish every day.  It didn’t really say much about when he went back to the real world, but it did say that he remained lean and wiry for several more years and also since he left the woods, he always thought carefully before saying or doing anything, and he also noticed much more than before. Right now I am reading Irish Immigrants in America.  It is a You Choose Book, you can choose what you want to do in the book. In this book, I learned that being an Irish immigrant at that time was very hard.  None of the jobs paid much money to them, and a lot of the jobs were dangerous.  I just finished The Japanese American Internment, by Rachael Hanel, which is also a You Choose Book. In this book I think it is very unfair that so many Japanese Americans were forced out of jobs and lives into Relocation Camps.  Also, even though they didn’t do anything wrong, even after the war, they still faced lots of discrimination. Right now I am reading Flush, by Carl Hiaasen.  It is about a boy named Noah, trying to prove that Dusty Muleman, whose ship was sunk by Noah’s dad, was illegally dumping sewage into the water. Noah’s dad loves the environment and animals, and a lot of times, if he sees someone mistreating animals or polluting the environment, he would overreact.  I think it is unfair that he was jailed and couldn’t prove what Dusty was doing.   Your student,   Ben *** 1/4/2010 Dear Ben, Have you read other books by Carl Hiaasen?  He was born and raised in Florida and even went to the University of Florida. He later went to work for the newspaper, The Miami Herald, where he wrote the Crime Section.  He got many of his book ideas from real life crime stories in Florida. How do Noah and Abbey help their dad prove Dusty Muleman was dumping sewage from the boat’s holding tank?   Sincerely, Ms. Emma    










