

學人智庫 時間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【www.lotusphilosophies.com - 學人智庫】


  dear dr. worthington:

  farley chemical company, as one of the leaders in the field of polymer chemistry, might be interested in a seasoned product development chemist with a demonstrated record of achievement as a new product innovator. my credentials include an m.s. in polymer chemistry with over 15 years research experience in the polymer industry.

  as you can see from the enclosed resume, my reputation as a creative, innovative contributor is well supported by some 22 registered patents and an additional 18 patent disclosures. my work has led to the successful introduction of 12 new products which now account for over $250 million in annual sales revenues.

  i have extensive experience in the following specialty areas:

  organic & polymer specialty chemicals:

  -water treatment chemicals

  -oil field & mining chemicals

  -consumer products based on water soluble polymers

  polymers, rubbers and plastics:

  -new polymers and plastics-synthetic approach

  -new polymers and plastics-physio-chemical approach

  my current salary is $82,000, and i have no geographical restrictions.

  should you have an appropriate opportunity available as a member of your research staff, dr.worthington, i would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the contributiions that i might make to your new product development efforts. i can be reached during evening hours at(313)528-9735.

  thank you for your consideration, and i look forward to hearing from you.

  sincerely yours,


  求職 信該有多長?1000字以內足矣。長篇大論、洋洋灑灑、一瀉千里的 求職 信固然不錯,但可惜繁忙的人事經理不會花時間在你的 求職信 上。一封短、平、快的 求職信 反而更容易抓住人事負責人的眼球。有人因此而提出 求職信 的“四段論”,認為求職信只需寫四段,還具體到“每段五行”:第一段寫求職信息來源及應聘崗位,第二段寫個人資歷,第三段寫發(fā)展?jié)摿Γ┝颂岢?面試 希望。其實,不管是“幾段論”,也無論是打印還是手寫,我們都不主張求職信的篇幅超過一張A4紙,因為需要翻頁的求職信有可能會讓對方失去閱讀的興趣。一張A4紙打天下,足夠了。


  這一條千萬千萬不能忘記,否則一番努力將是完全白費。如果用人單位覺得你不錯而決定給你一個 面試 的機會,卻遍尋不著聯(lián)系方式,這將是多么令人遺憾的事情!因此,請在求職信的顯眼位置留下完整的聯(lián)系方式,包括手機號碼、家庭和宿舍電話號碼、E-MAIL地址、住址及郵政編碼等等。這些信息應當是最新的和全面的,其中尤以手機號碼和E-MAIL地址最重要。聯(lián)絡方式最好按常用程度進行書寫,常用的寫在前,不太常用的寫在后。