

學人智庫 時間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【www.lotusphilosophies.com - 學人智庫】


  不好的 (bad [bd] )

  undesirable [nd'zarb()l]

  【例句】It was felt that the ageing of society was socially and economically undesirable。


  negative ['negtv]

  【例句】You can't learn anything with negative attitude。


  adverse ['dvs]

  【例句】The expedition encountered adverse weather conditions。


  有害的(harmful ['hɑmfl])

  damaging ['dmd]

  【例句】Many chemicals have a damaging effect on the environment。


  ruinous ['runs]

  【例句】The decision was to prove ruinous。


  destructive [d'strktv]

  【例句】Severe damage witnessed the destructive force of the storm。


  困難的 (difficult [hɑd])

  demanding [d'mɑnd]

  【例句】He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job。


  laborious [l'brs]

  【例句】They had the laborious task of cutting down the huge tree。


  formidable ['fmdb()l]

  【例句】He took on the formidable task of reforming the whole system。


  無聊的(boring ['br])

  dull [dl]

  【例句】The conference was deadly dull。
