

學(xué)人智庫 時間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【www.lotusphilosophies.com - 學(xué)人智庫】




  不妨出去走走,放松呼吸,走向燦爛陽光。 把發(fā)霉的心事交給流水,向遠去的塵埃行個注目禮。May walk out, relax breathing, to brilliant sunshine. The rotten heart to water, dust to be a disappearing eyes.


  每一陣清風(fēng)細雨,都會讓我將你輕輕想起;每一條祝福短信,都會將我們的心靠得更近;恰逢國慶之際,借此送上我的真摯問候,愿你天天快樂!Every Qingfengdian drizzle for a while, I will let you gently reminds me; Each SMS a blessing, our hearts will be stronger; Coincides with the occasion of National Day to send my sincere greetings to your happy day!


  行至水窮處,坐看云起時,才發(fā)覺人生其實最重要的是:找一些吃的東西,找一些喝的東西,找一個愛你的人,還有找到一些可以在國慶佳節(jié)給你祝福的朋友!OK water to the poor, from sit-see, it found that the most important fact of life is: get some things to eat, or drink some things, you find a love of people, can still find some of the National Day holidays to bless you friend!


  又到國慶節(jié)了,在這舉國歡慶的日子里,希望你快樂如夕,永遠幸?茖W(xué)探索。國慶節(jié)快樂!Went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope you happy as Xi, always happy. Happy National Day!


  陽光是明媚的,溪水是清澈的;牛奶是甜的,蛋糕是香的;年輕是幸福的,日子是甜蜜的……我的祝福是真誠的,希望國慶你是開心的!The sun is shining brightly, the water is clear; Milk is sweet, cake-yes; Young is happy, and he is sweet ... is my sincere wish and hope that you are happy National Day!


  送給你最美好的祝福,愿你:國慶、家慶、普天同慶,官源、財源、左右逢源,人緣、福緣,緣緣不斷。You gave the best blessing to you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate.


  愿你國慶假期天天都有好心情,夜夜都做甜蜜夢,讓你時時有人關(guān)心、處處受人呵護!美夢成真,幸?鞓!You would like to have a good day National Day holiday mood, have done every sweet dream, you always been concerned about all the people care! A dream come true and happiness!


  祝愿國慶節(jié)七天,天天快快樂樂168小時,時時開開心心10800分。National Day wishes seven days, 168 hours every day happy, always a happy 10,800 points.


  國慶祝你:百事可樂!萬事芬達 天天哇哈哈!時時樂百氏!刻刻高樂高!心情似雪碧!永遠都醒目!Celebrate your country: Pepsi! Everything drinks! Wow daily Ha Ha! Constantly Improve! Keke MACLEOD high! Feeling like Sprite! Always smart!


  好久不見,十分想念。在這漫漫的國慶長假里,常常憶起共處的歲月。找點時間,約個地點,帶上祝福,來個非常體驗!Lost, very missed. In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years. Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!


  萬紫千紅迎國慶,片片紅葉舞秋風(fēng)。舉國上下齊歡暢,家和國盛萬事興。愿這盛大梅雨的節(jié)日帶給你永遠的幸運!Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everythiwelcomeng. This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!


  金秋的歲月,豐收的季節(jié),愿我最真誠的笑容伴隨你,深深的祝福你國慶節(jié)手抄報,國慶節(jié)快快樂樂,事業(yè)輝煌騰達!!!Autumn years, the harvest season, I wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply日全食奇觀 wishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! ! !


  國慶,國慶,舉國歡慶。祖國生日祝你美好心情,天天開心,快樂永恒!National Day, the National Day, celebrating the country. The birthday wish you mood every day happy, eternal happiness!


  在這馥郁芬芳的季節(jié),舉國歡騰的日子,有一梅雨歌種心情叫牽掛,有一種思維叫想念。衷心祝你,國慶快樂。Idiscoveryn this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about 電影 月球is, there is a miss is thinking. Sincerely wish you a happy National Day.











