

學(xué)人智庫 時(shí)間:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【www.lotusphilosophies.com - 學(xué)人智庫】
大學(xué)里的教授評(píng)估往往會(huì)參考學(xué)生在那門課得到的成績,因?yàn)閷W(xué)生的成績與他對(duì)教授的評(píng)價(jià)有很明顯的關(guān)系。我一般不會(huì)認(rèn)真聽一個(gè)業(yè)績不好的人對(duì)他老板的吐槽,但是如果一個(gè)業(yè)績好的人批評(píng)他的老板,我會(huì)洗耳恭聽。 Bias towards action.  “Litebulb” will drain your soul. 不行動(dòng)的話,閑聊會(huì)耗盡你的生命(Litebulb是微軟內(nèi)部的一個(gè)廣泛話題討論組)。 Words matter.  Connotations matter. 字有表意,也有隱含的意思。 If you consistently deliver what the business needs most, and you do it well, it’s impossible not to get promoted.  People tell me this isn’t true, that it’s all about the people you know and about “visibility.”  I have no idea how to consistently deliver impactful business results without becoming visible as a side effect.  I hate it when developers ask me how to become “more visible.”  They hate it when I tell them to “do great work.”  They think I’m mocking them. 如果你不斷做公司最需要的事情,你是一定會(huì)被重用的。有人說,不是的,人際關(guān)系和在人前表現(xiàn)自己更重要。我不明白,如果你持續(xù)做對(duì)公司意義很重大的事情,怎么可能不被別人注意到。我很討厭程序員問我怎么才能在人前表現(xiàn)自己。他們也很討厭我的答案“把事情做得更漂亮”,覺得我是在諷刺他們。 Be genuine.  Never give advice for your own advantage.  I’ve never once counseled a person to join my team or to stay on my team because I needed them. 做一個(gè)真誠的人。給別人建議時(shí)不要考慮自己的利益。我從沒有說服過任何人加入我的團(tuán)隊(duì),或者說服他們不要走,僅僅因?yàn)槲倚枰麄儭?  Listen to understand.  Speak to be understood. 聽人說話時(shí)盡量理解,講話時(shí)盡量容易讓別人理解。 Good ideas are a dime a dozen.  Great ideas are usually laughed at.  Neither sees the light of day without you taking action.  Do the work to prove your idea, or stop talking about it.  In an entrepreneurship class in college, I pitched the idea of an online grocery delivery service and got laughed off stage.  Hurt, but convinced of my great genius, I returned the following week to pitch the idea of online movie rentals using the postal service.  I called it NetVideo.  Everyone thought it was absurd.  I used to tell this story to bolster what I thought was my streak of unrecognized, prognosticating technical genius.  These days, I tell the story to remind myself that in the end, only action and execution matter. 好的創(chuàng)意很多。偉大的創(chuàng)意常常會(huì)遭受嘲笑,除非你去實(shí)現(xiàn)它。不要光說,用行動(dòng)來證明你的點(diǎn)子。在大學(xué)的一門創(chuàng)業(yè)課里,我講了一個(gè)網(wǎng)上租看和郵寄電影光碟的點(diǎn)子,我當(dāng)時(shí)把它起名叫“NetVideo”,所有人都覺得很荒唐。以前我講這個(gè)故事是為了炫耀我當(dāng)時(shí)多么有遠(yuǎn)見(指后來用相同點(diǎn)子起家的上市公司Netflix),但是現(xiàn)在我講這個(gè)故事是想告訴你,行動(dòng)和執(zhí)行是最重要的。 What’s your final level at Microsoft?  Please don’t say CEO or Technical Fellow – I can almost guarantee you it’s not.  A realistic appraisal helps you aim for the right things, and is also essential to happiness.  A VP once told me that he had already attained the highest position he’d ever reach at Microsoft. It wasn’t false humility.  It wasn’t sour grapes. He was confident in his abilities and ambitious about doing great work.  He was just more grounded and self-aware than many, and thus more content.  Don’t give up or sell out.  Just know yourself. 你在微軟最終的職位級(jí)別是什么?請(qǐng)不要說 CEO 或科技院士,因?yàn)槲規(guī)缀蹩梢员WC你達(dá)不到。對(duì)自己能力更現(xiàn)實(shí)的認(rèn)識(shí)會(huì)幫助你更準(zhǔn)確找到目標(biāo),而且也會(huì)讓你更加快樂。一位副總裁曾經(jīng)告訴我, 他已經(jīng)做到了他在微軟能做的最高職位。這不是假謙虛,也不是抱怨。他對(duì)自己很自信,而且很有事業(yè)心。他只不過是對(duì)自己有很清楚的認(rèn)識(shí),而且懂得滿足。不要放棄,也不要出賣自己。但是你要正確認(rèn)識(shí)你自己。 If you only ever implement feedback that you agree with, you probably don’t need the feedback in the first place.  For feedback to be useful, you must at least occasionally consider implementing feedback that you don’t initially agree with.  How else will you discover your blind spots? 如果你只采用你贊同的反饋,那很有可能這些反饋從一開始就不是你需要的。真正有價(jià)值的反饋是那些你在一開始并不贊同的反饋。要不然,你怎么去發(fā)現(xiàn)你的盲點(diǎn)?