

學人智庫 時間:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【www.lotusphilosophies.com - 學人智庫】

  “The early birdcatches the worm” is a phrase that we’ve all heard since the days of elementary school.


  But what if your brain is just programmed to work at night?


  Whether it’s the midnight moonlight or the hush that falls over the house when everyone’s asleep, working after-hours can equal some serious productivity.


  So, we spoke with a group of Millennial night owls to find out how they best burn the midnight oil:


  1.Turn off the gadgets.

  1. 關掉所有的電子產品

  “I turn my phone off because most people are feeling social after 7 p.m., but that’s when I do my best work. Also, being aware that WiFi networks seem to be busiest between 8 and 10 p.m., I try not to schedule long-distance video calls or work on something that requires streaming video at that time.” — Nic Chapa, 27, mobile UX/UI designer

  “我之所以關掉我的手機,是因為大多數人在晚上7點鐘以后都感覺很輕松,適合與他人交際,但這卻是我的最佳工作時間。同時,也要意識到無線網絡在晚上8點到10點之間是最繁忙的。我嘗試不去安排長途視像電話,或停止處理任何需要流媒體的任務。”——Nic Chapa,27歲,一名移動工具的用戶體驗/用戶界面設計師。

  2. Sleep in when you can.

  2. 想睡懶覺的時候就睡。

  “I do my best work when I can focus without interruptions, so I generally tackle tasks that require deep concentration at night when the activity of the day slows down and others are asleep. Then, I try to structure my calendar to have few responsibilities before 10 a.m. Of course, this is not always possible, but when it is, I push major obligations to the late morning and afternoon so that I have time to recover from the previous night’s work.” — Candace Jones, 27, senior manager, business operations.

  “當我能夠專注免受打擾,我就能夠很好地完成我的工作,所以我一般在晚上處理那些需要高度專注的任務,這個時候然白天的活動減少,其他人都入睡了,比較安靜。于是,我調整了我的計劃表,在早上10點前幾乎沒有任何待辦事項。當然,這也不是都能實現(xiàn)的,如果一旦這樣,我就把這些主要的任務安排到中午或下午,這樣我就有時間從前一天晚上的工作疲勞中恢復精神了!薄狢andace Jones, 27歲,高級主管,來自商務運營機構。

  3.Take small breaks.

  3. 小憩休息一下。

  “With medical school, work, and my new puppy, I don’t sleep very much. But the nighttime is when I do my best studying. My tip would be to take breaks. Whenever I start to feel sleepy or my focus is off, I just put everything down and listen to music. The music energizes me and gets me motivated for another round of studying. To wake up in the morning, I take a hot shower.” — Cameron Henry, 25, medical student

  “我既要完成醫(yī)學院的學習,還得工作,照顧我剛買的小狗狗,我睡的時間很少。不過夜晚卻是我的最佳學習時間。我的訣竅在于多小憩休息。每當我感到睡意侵襲,注意力開始不集中的時候,我就把手頭上的東西都放下,然后聽聽音樂。音樂可以給我能量促使我進行下一輪學習。早上醒來的時候,我就會洗個熱水澡讓我恢復過來!薄狢ameron Henry, 25歲,一名醫(yī)學院的學生。