

時(shí)間:2021-06-20 11:22:34 英語(yǔ)演講稿 我要投稿


  Hi! Judges and friends,


  I’m very glad and excited that I have a chance like this to share my own experience of teaching with you.

  The topic of my today’s lecture is Better to Teach a Man Fishing Than to Give Him a Fish ----Cultivating Good Studying Habits of Students In English Teaching.

  School education is very important and useful. The students not only learn knowledge but also get an education. Yet, no one can learn everything at school. The scientists, such as Edison, Newton, Galileo and Einstein, did not learn everything at school. They learned a lot of knowledge outside school or practice by themselves. A teacher, even he knows a lot, can’t teach his students everything. Our job is to show our students how to learn, how to read and how to think. A good teacher with rich experience in teaching can teach his students the methods (ways) of study. Through these methods the students are able to learn and get a lot of things by themselves.

  Since I became an English teacher over ten years ago, I have had a definite teaching thought: I teach my students not only English words and grammar but also methods of studying English by making full use of teaching materials so as to enable them to develop good studying habits bit by bit.

  Then, what are good studying habits of students? In my opinion, they should include the following at least: the habit of previewing actively before class; the habit of listening intensively in class; the habit of reviewing carefully after class; the habit of completing homework independently; the habit of thinking deeply and actively; the habit of making notes during reading out of class; and good habits of reading aloud, memorizing, reciting, etc. Those habits should contribute to assimilating English knowledge they have learned into their own ones, and promoting their abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing all round. So, as English teachers, we must be good at cultivating good studying interest of students, enable them to develop good studying habits and make English studying continue for their life.

  The first is how to preview before class. I call for my students to preview well before class which will be learned next class. For new words and phrases in text, students should not only practice spelling but also understand their meanings according to sentences and context. For texts and dialogues, students may understand them through the use of notes, reference books or dictionaries at hand, searching topic paragraph or sentence, then try doing exercises after class. Of all these can help them to find problems or questions as well as master the points that are important and difficult in text, which might lighten the pressure of students in new classes. This is a kind of good studying habit and of method available of training the ability to teach themselves. We should call for our students to last for practicing in a consistent way. In doing so, good studying habits can be developed ultimately.

  The second is how to listen to class. Teachers should make students develop good habits of concentrating on listening to class and questioning actively in class. Only if listening to class in earnest, can students settle questions found when they previewed before class; only if raising doubts actively, can they develop abilities of thinking independently and innovating boldly. Mr. Ye Shengtao once said, “A man should raise doubts when reading books, and settle doubts when running into them.” Aristotle also said, “ Doubts and curiosity precede thoughts.” And Li Zhengdao holds the similar idea, “To quest knowledge edge demands learning and questioning; to learn the answer is not the substance of knowledge.” So we can see, it is important to question actively and raise doubts boldly for studying. This is like sunshine and rain to the trees, little trees cannot grow into big ones without them. Therefore, whether in class or after class, we should actively encourage students to question, to raise doubts, to have discussion, stimulate them to analyze questions and to seek approaches to settle them, and cultivate their spirits of thinking independently and innovating boldly.

  The third is how to review and summarize. I always call for my students to go over what they have learned that day so as to have deeper impressions of the key contents, just like to see the film in their brains. It is very useful to strengthen the memory and the knowledge they have learned. Besides, after a week or a month, students should summarize the related knowledge, homework and analyze papers. This is also good habit of studying. Only in this way, can the learned knowledge be completed. It is of great help to get different thinking abilities for students.

  The fourth is attitudes towards homework of students. Good attitudes towards homework should involve writing it earnestly and normally, and completing it independently during a definite period. We should consider the homework after reading and amending, not only find the mistakes, including the spelling mistakes, but also analyze the reasons. I also together my students set up archives for mistakes and sum up all different types in order not to make the same mistakes during studying. Keeping on doing as that until they form a habit. It can not only improve the students’ practical English level, but also help them to analyze and solve the problems.

  Besides that, reading and reciting is one of the effective methods to English studying. As we all know, reading is a way to input the information. During the reading, the movements of mouth and tongue can be reflected in brain and become mechanical memory, which is very useful to memorize the words and expressions. In this way, we can not only train the instinctive feel for the language of the students, but also increase the process of turning the language accumulation into the language application. This is just the goal for input. So in my English teaching, I often guide the reading and reciting to make the students have good memorial habit and develop their abilities to read and write.

  Finally, I’d like to talk about how to form the habit of writing reading notes after class. We all know that writing is also one of the most important and basic abilities during studying English. So, Every week I choose five to ten English passages for the students to read and write down some notes by themselves. I check their notes at any time. The passages can be different kinds from the newspaper , Internet and other ways. Sometimes, the students also share some excellent articles they think with each other. Doing like that is helpful to enlarge the words and phrases, enrich the knowledge and develop the ability of using English. The old proletarian educator, Mr. Xu Teli said, “The good memory is not useful as the nib, you don’t know how to read if you never write.” He pointed out the method of reading and emphasizes the importance of writing notes. So besides having the habit to write down the notes in classes, the students should form the habit to write notes when they are reading. I tell the students to write down the particular usage of some words, quote some instructive sayings, well-known sayings and the opinions of themselves during reading. It can widen their outlook, practice the ability to make sentences and improve the whole level of using English. So we can see that it is far away that the students only have the interest to learn English, the important point is the students have reading method and good habit to use their brains and hands.

  In a word, good habit is the most important factor to get success in English studying, we must pay much attention to training the students to form the good learning habits. The old saying is: “Give a fish to others, that is just for a meal; but if we teach them hoe to fish, that is for their whole lives.” We should the students how to learn English and how to analyze the problems, make them form good learning habits and have the ability to learn new knowledge during teaching. It is useful for the students to become the creative talents, who have creative character and spirit and have firm foundation for entering the colorful society.

  That’s all for my lecture. Thanks for your listening and guiding.










