
Life is charming-校園4人英語小品

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Life is charming-校園4人英語小品


Life is charming-校園4人英語小品

  Narrator:There is a college student who has been leaving her hometown for about 3 mouths.She missed his grandparental very much.In the end,he decided to visit the nursing home that near her university.She rang up the number of the nursing home.That was a lovely girl answer the phone.

  The staff:Hello,this is Halogeton nursing heme.What can I do for you?

  The girl:hello,I’m a college student.and I want to call in the olds on the weekend.Is it convenient?

  The staff:Of course you can.I’m glad to hear that.I’m looking forward to seeing you .and I will arrange it for you now,see you this weekend.

  The girl:Thank you a lot.I will be there on time.Bay

  Scene 2

  Narration:It is a Sunday.what a sunny day today!And The girl go to the supermarket to buy some health products delightful.

  Then she take the bus headed for the nursing home.the staff received her.

  The staff:Let me introduce something about our home.There about 100 aged people.all of them social’s help.……

  Narration:After a while,the staff leaded the girl to the living room where the old live in.The girl saw about 20 aged people playing poker or appreciating movies.

  The staff:Have you prepared some performances for them?

  The girl:Yes,quiet a lot!I have prepared some sweet songs and dance.I believe them will like it.

  The staff:That’s great!now,the time is yours.and I will company with you in case something emergency happen.

  Narration:The girl sing some great songs and dance a beautiful dance.there is no doubt that everyone is Leinster in it and active d、laughing like a flower.They don’t know remember how long they havn’t feel like this.but the girl noticed a lonely man sitting there just soak.the girl was very curious and surprised,walking close him.

  The girl:Hi,grandfather.Why not play with us?Look at them,them all plea sent.Why not join in us?

  The old:I am just miss my mother.mom,take me away.I want follow you to the heaven.Don’t discard me!

  The staff:He has been so for a long time pried.His son and daughter unwilling to support him.and never called him or visited.What’s worse,he phone them but the hang on without any hesitant.The reason is just the are too busy.

  The old:Mom,take me away……

  Narration:The girl look at the old man and felt so heart-broken.Then she told jokes,song and played with him.But the man still didn’t smile.

  The girl:What can i do for you?I’ll try my best to make you feel better again.

  The staff:Don’t be too sad.Many people had tried so many methods to drive him delight.But all were vain.Let him alone and he will fall asleep faster.

  The girl:But I want to help him out,leading him to enjoy the wonderful world.

  The old:Mom,take me away.i might as well die and to accompany you.

  The girl:Don’t be thing like that.Life is charming.I’m sorry for your suffers.and I you won’t be alone in the future.because I will be you “granddaughter” form now.Every weekend I will visit you and make some delicious food such as dampings with you.I will be you relative and company you all the life.

  Narrator:Suddenty,the old man stoped crying which amazed all the people in the room.

  The old:Really?Can you promise you will visit every week.

  The girl:Yes,I promise you.

  The old:If you could keep your promise,and I will give up killing myself.

  The girl:I’m happy to hear that.And this is my gift to you.Wish you a healthy body.

  The old:Thank you!Oh……the night is coming.It’s so late that you ought to go home.See you next week.

  The girl:Good-bay

  The old:Bay.

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