

時間:2023-05-07 10:26:21 國外高校 我要投稿
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  Leonardo Da Vinci spent a lifetime trying to paint one. Scientists and mathematicians have puzzled for centuries over what makes one, while cosmetic surgeons have amassed fortunes striving to create one. And Florence Colgate? Well, she simply has one.達芬奇終其一生想要畫出一張最美的臉?茖W家和數(shù)學家關于最美的臉的標準冥思苦想了幾百年,而外科整形醫(yī)生則傾其所有試圖打造一張最美的臉。那么弗洛倫斯·考蓋特呢?她就擁有一張最美的臉。


  The 18-year-old student is blessed with what is described as the perfect face. It matches an international blueprint for the optimum ratio between eyes, mouth, forehead and chin, endowing her with flawless proportions.這名18歲的學生擁有一張堪稱完美的面孔。她的雙眼、嘴巴、額頭以及下巴之間有著最完美的五官比例,而這正好和一份世界完美面孔的結構圖相吻合。

  In theory, that needn't necessarily cause her to appear anything more than symmetrical (in which department, incidentally, she is also faultless). But the blue-eyed blonde's mathematical dimensions have just added up to success in a competition to find Britain's most naturally beautiful face.從理論上說,她可能只是五官分布比較勻稱(其實從這個意義上說她也是完美的)。但是這位金發(fā)碧眼的美女憑借她精確的五官比例從競爭中脫穎而出,成功獲得了英國最美的自然面孔的殊榮。

  Florence, who has a Saturday job in a seaside chip shop in between studying for her A-levels, beat 8,000 entrants to win the title. Contestants were judged without make-up and were barred entry if they had had plastic surgery or chemical enhancement.弗洛倫斯目前正在準備大學入學考試,同時每周六在海邊的一家油炸食品店打工。她擊敗了8000名入圍者贏得了這個稱號。所有選手都要素顏接受評判,凡是做過整容手術或是通過化學手段美容的人一律不得入選。

  Locals wryly suggested it was the sea air in the Dover Grammar schoolgirl's home town of Deal, Kent, which contributed to her success, or possibly a secret ingredient in Middle Street Fish Bar's chips. But it is the scientific definition of beauty – not to mention a healthy portion of beauty genes from her mother – which gave Florence the crown.當?shù)厝寺詭诳嗟赝茰y她成功的原因,大概是家鄉(xiāng)肯特郡Deal小鎮(zhèn)的海濱氣息,弗洛倫斯就讀于當?shù)氐亩喾鹞姆▽W校;或者是這家“中央街道炸魚吧”的薯條里某種神秘的配料。但真正幫助弗洛倫斯獲得這頂桂冠的,是對于美的科學定義,更不用說她還傳承了她母親美麗基因里的健康部分。

  A woman's face is said to be most attractive when the space between her pupils is just under half the width of her face from ear to ear. Florence scores a 44 per cent ratio. Experts also believe the relative distance between eyes and mouth should be just over a third of the measurement from hairline to chin. Florence's ratio is 32.8 per cent.當一個女性的兩眼瞳孔間距離小于她雙耳間距離的一半時,她的面孔據(jù)說是最具吸引力的。在這一項上弗洛倫斯的比例是44%。專家還相信,眼睛到嘴巴之間的相對距離應該剛好超過發(fā)際線到下巴距離的1/3。而弗洛倫斯的比例是32.8%。

  Singer Shania Twain and actresses Liz Hurley and Jessica Alba are ranked among perfectly formed celebrities. Samantha Brick, who caused an international debate after proclaiming women hate her because she is beautiful, is not.歌手仙妮亞·唐恩、演員伊麗莎白·赫利和美國甜心杰西卡·阿爾芭都躋身完美明星臉排行榜。而曾經(jīng)宣稱“我太美了,以至于女人恨我” 引發(fā)一場全球大討論的自由專欄作家薩曼莎·布里克,卻榜上無名。

  And to top it off, Florence's face is almost perfectly symmetrical, which is also scientifically linked with beauty. For Florence, it became reality when friends, family and chip shop customers persuaded her to enter a competition run by ITV's Lorraine programme to highlight natural beauty and encourage women to be proud of their natural look.最重要的是,弗洛倫斯的臉幾乎完全對稱,而從科學上說這也和美麗密切相關。弗洛倫斯起初是在朋友家人以及食品店顧客的勸說下參加了英國獨立電視臺(ITV)羅琳的這檔節(jié)目,節(jié)目的初衷是為了突出自然美,鼓勵女性們?yōu)樗齻冏匀坏南嗝哺械津湴。結果弗洛倫斯成為了現(xiàn)實版的完美面孔。

  Florence, who normally wears light foundation and mascara and admits to using concealer and Vaseline, won a trip to a London model agency and will appear on billboards and posters in Superdrug stores across the country. 弗洛倫斯平時一般會打較淡的粉底并刷上睫毛膏,她也承認會用遮瑕膏和凡士林霜。作為獲勝者,她贏得了去一家倫敦模特經(jīng)紀公司的參觀機會,同時她還會出現(xiàn)在全國超級藥房連鎖店的廣告牌和海報上。

  She says she would love to have a career in modelling (model Agyness Deyn once worked in a chip shop too) – but is currently studying business, geography and psychology and intends to do business management at university.她說自己很愿意涉足模特界(名模阿格妮絲·迪恩曾經(jīng)也在一家油炸食品店工作過),但她目前正在學習商業(yè)、地理和心理學,并且想要在大學里學習企業(yè)管理。

  'Women should not have to feel that they have to wear make-up,' she said. 'I hope people will look at me and think they don't need to. I'm very happy with the way I look and I would never have any plastic surgery or Botox.'“女人沒有必要覺得自己必須得化妝,”弗洛倫斯說!拔蚁M藗兛吹轿业睦樱缓笠庾R到這一點。我很高興自己有一張這樣的臉,我絕對不會做任何整容手術,也不會去注射肉毒桿菌!








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