

unin5 Advertise lession17-18

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unin5 Advertise lession17-18

Lesson 17教學設(shè)計方案

Step 1 .Presentation

Ask questions like these:

Where can you find advertisements?  Why do companies advertise?

Do you watch advertisements on TV?  Which are your favorite advertisements?

Put any useful notes and key words that arise out of this discussion on the Bb.

Step 2.Dialogue

(I.) Listening (Say to the class, “Now, we are going to listen to a discussion about an advertisement. It is a little bit long, so I’ll play the tape twice with only two questions.”)


1. What is the advertisement for?

A. a camera  B. a computer  C. a typewriter   (Key: B)

2. What will the ad be like?

A. humorous  B. serious  C.exciting     (Key: A)

(II.) Reading

1. Ask the students to read the dialogue again, checking the answers. Then ask:

“What suggestion seems to be the final decision?”

(Key: Bob’s suggestion: Put comments of the customers’ at the top of the ad in big print and bring in some humor.

2. Say to the students, “In this dialogue we should learn how to express opinions: agreement or disagreement. Read the dialogue quickly again and I’m sure you can find several such expressions.”

( The students are sure to find these expressions. The teacher should praise them, encourage them to think of more and put the expressions down on the Bb. Also, the teacher should remind the students which are indirect and polite ways and which are direct.


1. I think it would be a good idea to do…

2. I agree with…

3. That’s true/ right.

4. Good idea!/ That’s great!/ Why not!/ Exactly!


1. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

2. Sorry, I don’t think so.

3. Do you (really ) think so?/ Do you think…?

4. I don’t agree (with …).

5. I don’t think you are right.

Step3.Fill in blanks.

1.Do you think managers want to read what users think about a new piece of office equipment.

2.That’s a good way of giving information,but it’s not a good way of persuading people. For one thing, it’s boring, and people aren’t going to read an ad that looks boring.For another thing,one computer looks very like another.People aren’t going to remember the name of the product.

3.So what exactly are you suggesting?

4.Then we can put their comments at the top of te advertisement in big print.We can bring in some humour too. People enjoy reading humorous ads.

I’ll ask the company for a list of recent customers.

Step4.languag points:

1.I think it would be a good idea to have comments from secretaries and typists who are already using it  我想聽聽用過它的秘書打字員的評論是個好主意。

(1)句中的 have comment from…表達“聽取…的意見/評價”,相當于listen to the views/opinions of…,from 接人,表聽取別人的意見。e.g.

You‘d better have  comments from your teachers and classmates.你最好聽聽你的老師和同學們的意見。

(2) 這個句子是委婉地提出建議的交際英語。句中would是will的過去式,但在此句型中并不表示過去,而是用來代替一般現(xiàn)在時,在說話人提出建議時為了把話說得委婉一點、含糊一點,實際是一種虛擬語氣e.g

---- I’m afraid I’m putting on weight.我恐怕發(fā)胖了.

------I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing morning exercises. 我認為堅持鍛煉是個好主意。   


①comment on/upon/about 對……作出評論,e.g.

The critics commented favorably on his new book.評論家們對于他的新書給予好評。

另外, 對別人的提問、詢問不想回答、不愿回答時,通常用 No comment(無可奉告)

2. We can bring in some humor too.我們還可以插進一點幽默的話。

這句中的 bring in意為“介紹,引進,還進”,相當于 introduce。bring in 帶可表達“搬進,收獲,掙得,逮捕”之意, in為副詞。e.g.

①Bring in the washing ; it looks like rain.把洗好的衣服收進來,好像要下雨了。

②He brings in an extra hundred dollars a month from his new job.


③The farmers are bringing in apples.農(nóng)民正在收蘋果。

3.advertise:to make sth known to the public.(v.)

advertising(n): the business which concerns itself with making known to the public.

Advertisement(n)=ad: a notice for something for sale.

We should advertise for someone to look after the garden.

Step 5. SB Page 25 Part 2 Practice

The aim of this activity is to give students an oportunity to have a free discussion and to practise oral fluency. Go through the questions with the students. And then ask them to do group work.. When the students are working together, the teacher should go up and down among the students and give them any possible help. Make sure each student has a chance to show his/ her opinions.

Step6 Workbook

Wb Lesson 17, Exx 1 and 2

Ss have to revise the dialogue in Lesson 17 before they do Ex.1. Allow them a few minutes to go through the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper words. Then call out some of them to read aloud the passage and correct the mistakes if there are any.

Ex. 2 can either be done at the end of the class or as a follow-up of SB page 25, Part 2.


1. Finish off the Wb exercises.   2. make up a similar dialogue to show one’s opinion.



Lesson 18教學設(shè)計方案

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the exercises in Wb.    2. Check the new dialogue.

Step 2 Presentation

[ Say to the students: “Actually we are familiar with the Chinese word “廣告(advertisement)“. It seems that they are around us everywhere. Now, read the passage and then answer the following questions in pairs. “ ]

Read aloud the questions at the top of the passage. Allow the students enough time to read the text and find the answers. Put them in pairs to discuss their answers, then collect the answers from the class. (1. It makes a product cheaper. 2. Five.)

Step3. Reading

I. Reading comprehension

1. The author thinks that advertisements ________.

A. are welcome by everybody

B. will increase the cost of products

C. have bad influence on people

D. can win more customers for a company   (Key: D)

2. In Paragraph 1, which word does the writer use to express his idea that advertising is common?

A. Developed. B. Popular.

C. Proved. D. Increase.   (Key: B)

 3. According to the text, advertisements may be used in ________

A. everything B election

C. scientific research D. education  (Key: B)

4. How many means of advertising are mentioned in the text?

A. 7. B. 9. 11. C. 13.  (Key: C)

5. Which paragraph talks about the purpose of advertising?

A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2.

C. Paragraph 3. D. Paragraphs 4 and 5.  (Key: A)

6. When an advertising company makes advertisements, which happens first?

A. Having a meeting. B. Collecting information.

C. Writing a text. D. Designing the advertisements. (Key: B)

7. What does “interview” mean in the last paragraph?

A. See. B. Select. C. Visit. D. Ask questions.

 (Key: D)

8. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

A. Only a few things can be advertised.

B. It is difficult to use printed things for advertisements.

C. Political advertisements can only be seen in USA.

D. Advertisements are everywhere for so many things. (Key: D)

9. How many steps are there in making an advertisement?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6. D. 7. (Key: D)

10. When the advertisement is ready, it is shown only to a part of the country as a (an)

A. review B. test C. performance D. interview  (Key: B)

II.. Group work

Divide the class into six groups. One of them is responsible for the structure of the text and each of the others is responsible for one of the five paragraphs. (Although the passage is not a long one, the language is plain enough for most of the students to deal with it easily. So just leave the students the tasks like analyzing the structure of the text, finding out the main ideas of the text and each paragraph, pick out the grammar items and useful expressions, so on and so forth. And this is a very good chance for the students to practice the reading skills they have learnt to deal with reading materials.) The teacher just goes around the class and gives any necessary help to the students.

Notes: 1. The title of the text and the first sentence of each paragraph( Paragraph 4 and 5 talk about the same thing.) are the subject word and subject sentences. The students are supposed to be aware of that and point it out. If they can’t, the teacher is sure to remind them of that.

2. There are several places where –ing and –ed words are used. The students may not pay enough attention to them so the teacher should point them out and encourage the students to think about their usage. For example:

a. advertisement --- advertising (n.),

b. …… repeated advertising increases……

c. ……, using pictures of photographs ……

3. When a student is talking about a paragraph, the teacher should not interrupt but listen. No matter in which language the student is speaking, the teacher just gives him or her encouragement. If one student cannot express herself or himself, another one can give some supplement

Step4. Fill in blanks:

1. Adevertising is a highly developed twentieth-centry industry.

2.Is it a waste of money? It has been proved again and again that repeated advertsing increases product sales.

3.USA political leaders often use recorded TV advertisements to persuade people to vote for them .

4.A sign outside or inside a shop is a form of advertising.Baloons and light aeroplanes can be used to pull huge signs as they fly slowly over a city.

5.Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement, and a person who will buy space in newspapers or time on TV.

6.They may try it out in a small part of the country to see the result.

7.If the advertising fails , having no effect on sales, the whole programme will be reviewed.

Step 5.language points:

1.The development of radio,television,cinema,magazines and newspapers has gone hand in hand with development of advertising.無線電、電視、電影、雜志和報紙的發(fā)展同廣告業(yè)的發(fā)展是齊頭并進的。

句中的 go hand in hand with表示“與……密切相關(guān)”,相當于go together with,其中 go with表示“相配,隨……而來”之意。hand in hand為副詞短語,表示“手牽著手,密切聯(lián)系,和……一道”之意,后面常加介詞with,再加名詞。e.g.

①Money doesn’t always go hand in hand with happiness.金錢并不總是同幸福密切相關(guān)。

②Ignorance and poverty often go hand in hand.愚昧和貧窮總是緊密地聯(lián)結(jié)在一起。

③I have no tapes to go with the book.我沒有這本書配套的磁帶。

④Hand in hand with reading,he has developing the habit of making notes.在閱讀的同時,他養(yǎng)成了做筆記的習慣。

2.There have been major changes in advertising in the past sixty years.

在過去的 60年中,廣告業(yè)有了一些重大的發(fā)展。

時間狀語in the past sixty years與完成時連用,in the past=during the last。例如:

In the past three days,they have had six examinations.三天來.他們進行了六次考試。

No one has been(come)here in the past week.一個星期以來,沒人來過這里。

3. Mail or gifts posted by companies to customers is another way of advertising.公司給顧客寄去的郵件或禮品又是一種廣告方式。

4.express后可用oneself 作賓語,表示“表達自己的意思(思想)感情等”。e.g.

He is still unable to express himself.他還是不能表達清楚自己的意思。


①This is an express train.這是快車。

②She flew to London for the express purpose of seeing her son她為了探望兒子而特地飛往倫敦。

③This is an express letter for you.你的快信。

④He has never given express orders.他從未下過明確的命令。

5.Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement,



A person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement will also be present…

因本句中的主語 a person后有定語從句修飾,使主謂之間的間隔太長,因而倒裝,表語提至句首避免頭重腳輕。


①A very honorable man he is.他是個非?删吹娜。

②Standing against the wall are the umbrellas that have just been made.靠墻放著的是剛剛制出的雨傘。

2)句中的think up為動副(動詞十副詞)結(jié)構(gòu)的短語,表達“想出,設(shè)計,構(gòu)思,虛構(gòu)”之意,相當于invent,imagine。e.g.

Delighted, the girls thought up many good ideas.姑娘們一高興,想出很多好主意。

The prisoners tried to think up a plan for escape.囚犯企圖擬出一個逃跑計劃。

6.Isn’t it time you made someone’s life a bit easier?


It’s time sb.did sth.“是某人早該干某事的時候了!

It’s time we had our supper.我們早就該吃晚飯了。

Is It time you got things ready?是你把一切準備好的時候了?

Step 6. Note making

SB Page 27 Part 2   Putting down some key words is enough. This part can be done very quickly.

Step 5. An advertisement

SB Page 27 Part 3( Also, an easy exercise. Pass it quickly.)

Step6. Homework:

1. Recite paragraph 4.  2. Try to design an advertisement.

unin5 Advertise lession17-18