
三年級英語《Unit1 Hello》教案

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三年級英語《Unit1 Hello》教案

  學(xué)生情況及內(nèi)容分析:此課時主要學(xué)習(xí)五個文具類單詞。其中pen pencil ruler在一年級的牛津英語中已經(jīng)接觸過。主要的新單詞是eraser crayon,教師要把重點放在基礎(chǔ)薄弱的學(xué)生上,使他們能夠掌握以前沒有掌握的,逐步走上英語學(xué)習(xí)的軌道。另外,在本課時增加字母Jj~Mm的書寫。

三年級英語《Unit1 Hello》教案

  教學(xué)目標(biāo):認(rèn)讀單詞pen pencil ruler eraser crayon,并會根據(jù)單詞使用指令語Show me your….

  教學(xué)難點:如何讓學(xué)生發(fā)準(zhǔn)每一個音,特別是eraser crayon的'發(fā)音。





  T divides the class into several groups.Every group has four Ss.Choose one master for every group. The Ss in one group should help each other.

  Ⅱ.Warming up

  1.Sing a song < Happy Teachers’ Day!>


  Ss can act as a teacher. And other Ss say “Happy Teachers’ Day!” to them.


  1. Teach “pen、pencil、ruler、eraser”

  T:Today,I bring many many thing for you.(Show a bag.)

  Guess,what’s in the bag?

  Ss:Pen pencil ruler …(這些單詞在一年級學(xué)生都已經(jīng)接觸過,基礎(chǔ)好的學(xué)生會很快猜對,教師需要進(jìn)一步的強(qiáng)化,特別對于基礎(chǔ)不好的學(xué)生。

  T:Yes,You are very clever.

  Look!What’s this?(Show a rubber)


  T:Yes, We also can say “eraser”

  Ss follow the T, and then T asks Ss read it one by one.


  T Show the four pictures and put them on the blackboard.

  Ss find the right words and line it.

  3.Play a game “心有靈犀”

  T say the words without any voice,Ss look teacher’s mouth and say out the words.


  4.Teach “crayon”

  T: Now,I have the last word. Look carefully.

  Ss can’t say it out.

  T:(Show the picture) Look! It’s a crayon.

  Ss follow the T.And T asks Ss to read it one by one.

  5.Let’s do.

  T: Pencil pencil,Show me your pencil.

  Ss show the pencil and repeat.

  T:Show me your…

  Ss do and repeat according to the teacher.

  T:Now,listen to the tape and try to follow it.

  Ss clap their hands and say with the tape.


  1.Group work

  T:Now,Practise with your partners.One gives orders, and others do the action.(T adds stars for some good group.)

  Practise for several minutes.T asks several groups to act for the whole class.

  Ⅴ.Assign the homework

  1.   Recite “Let’s do”

  Write Jj~Mm.Each letter for two lines.

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