

時間:2018-12-31 12:00:00 資料大全 我要投稿


  Feelings, Failure and Finding Happiness



  Thank you, President Hennessy, and to thetrustees and the faculty, to all of the parents andgrandparents, to you, the Stanford graduates. Thank you for letting me share this amazing daywith you.




  I need to begin by letting everyone in on a little secret. The secret is that Kirby Bumpus,Stanford Class of '08, is my goddaughter. So, I was thrilled when President Hennessy asked meto be your Commencement speaker, because this is the first time I've been allowed on campussince Kirby's been here.

  我決定透漏一個小秘密給大家來作為這次演講的開始。這個秘密就是Kirby Bumpus,斯坦福2008年的畢業(yè)生,是我的義女。所以當(dāng)Hennessy校長讓我來做演講時,我受寵若驚,因為自從Kirby來這上學(xué)以來,這是我第一次被允許到斯坦福來。

  You see, Kirby's a very smart girl. She wants people to get to know her on her own terms, shesays. Not in terms of who she knows. So, she never wants anyone who's first meeting her toknow that I know her and she knows me. So, when she first came to Stanford for new studentorientation with her mom, I hear that they arrived and everybody was so welcoming, andsomebody came up to Kirby and they said, "Ohmigod, that's Gayle King!" Because a lot ofpeople know Gayle King as my BFF [best friend forever].

  正如你們知道的那樣Kirby是一個非常聰明的女孩。她說,她希望大家通過她自己的努力了解她,而不是她認識誰。因此她從來不希望每一個第一次見到她的人知道她認識我。當(dāng)她和她媽媽第一次來到斯坦福參加開學(xué)典禮時,我聽說每個人都十分熱情。他們說:“我的天啊,那是Gayle King”。因為很多人都知道Gayle King是我最好的朋友。

  And so somebody comes up to Kirby, and they say, "Ohmigod, is that Gayle King?" And Kirby'slike, "Uh-huh. She's my mom."And so the person says, "Ohmigod, does it mean, like, you knowOprah Winfrey?"And Kirby says, "Sort of."

  有些人走到Kirby面前,對Kirby說:“我的天啊,那是Gayle King嗎?”Kirby說:“嗯,她是我媽媽。”然后人們說:“我的天啊,難道說,你認識Oprah Winfrey。”Kirby說:“有點吧。”

  I said, "Sort of? You sort of know me?" Well, I have photographic proof. I have pictures which Ican e-mail to you all of Kirby riding horsey with me on all fours. So, I more than sort-of knowKirby Bumpus. And I'm so happy to be here, just happy that I finally, after four years, get tosee her room. There's really nowhere else I'd rather be, because I'm so proud of Kirby, whograduates today with two degrees, one in human bio and the other in psychology. Love you,Kirby Cakes! That's how well I know her. I can call her Cakes.

  我說:“有一點。你有一點認識我”。我還有照片為證。我可以把Kirby 和我騎馬時的照片e-mail給你們。因此我不僅僅只是有點認識Kirby Bumpus。我非常高興來到這里,因為四年來我第一次來到她的寢室。我為Kirby感到自豪,因為她獲得了人類生物學(xué)和心理學(xué)的雙學(xué)位,



  And so proud of her mother and father, who helped her get through this time, and her brother,Will. I really had nothing to do with her graduating from Stanford, but every time anybody'sasked me in the past couple of weeks what I was doing, I would say, "I'm getting ready to go toStanford."


  I just love saying "Stanford." Because the truth is, I know I would have never gotten my degreeat all, 'cause I didn't go to Stanford. I went to Tennessee State University. But I never wouldhave gotten my diploma at all, because I was supposed to graduate back in 1975, but I wasshort one credit. And I figured, I'm just going to forget it, 'cause, you know, I'm not going tomarch with my class. Because by that point, I was already on television. I'd been in televisionsince I was 19 and a sophomore. Granted, I was the only television anchor person that had an11 o'clock curfew doing the 10 o'clock news.

  我就是喜歡這樣說Stanford(用一種奇怪的語調(diào))。因為這是真的,我知道根本不會拿到我的`學(xué)位,因為我沒有去斯坦福念書。我去了Tennessee 州立大學(xué)。但是我本來不會拿到我的畢業(yè)證,因為我本應(yīng)該在1975年畢業(yè),但是我少了一個學(xué)分。我認為我還是會忘了這件事。你們知道,我不會比得上我的同班同學(xué)。因為我已經(jīng)上了電視。我在19歲還是大學(xué)二年級的時候就已經(jīng)上了電視。我是唯一一個電視節(jié)目主持人,雖然有11點的宵禁,卻做著10點鐘的新聞。

  Seriously, my dad was like, "Well, that news is over at 10:30. Be home by 11."

  But that didn't matter to me, because I was earning a living. I was on my way. So, I thought,I'm going to let this college thing go and I only had one credit short. But, my father, from thattime on and for years after, was always on my case, because I did not graduate. He'd say, "Oprah Gail"—that's my middle name—"I don't know what you're gonna do without thatdegree." And I'd say, "But, Dad, I have my own television show."

  嚴肅地說,我爸爸告訴我,“好吧,新聞10:30結(jié)束。11點之前到家。”但是這對我并不重要,因為我已經(jīng)自食其力了。我在走我自己的路。所以我想,我不能讓關(guān)于我大學(xué)的那件事就這么過去,我還少一個學(xué)分。但是我的父親從那時起卻成了問題。由于我沒有畢業(yè),他總是說:“Oprah Gail(我的中間名字),我不知道沒有學(xué)位你能做些什么。”然后我說:“但是,爸爸,我已經(jīng)有我自己的電視節(jié)目啦。”

  And he'd say, "Well, I still don't know what you're going to do without that degree."

  And I'd say, "But, Dad, now I'm a talk show host." He'd say, "I don't know how you're going toget another job without that degree."









