
Write a Cover Letter That Excites!Th

時間:2018-12-31 12:00:00 資料大全 我要投稿

Write a Cover Letter That Excites!The cover letter has to WO

A cover letter is the icing on the cake.

The cake, of course, is your resume. Write your resume in a precise and professional way and you are already half way there. The other half is writing a great letter that creates so much interest in the eyes of the employer that they can't help but call you for an interview to find out more.


Using words effectively is the way to make this happen. It's not blue smoke and mirrors. There are no magic pills to take. It's taking the best of your qualifications and characteristics and making them exciting and enticing to the prospective employer. The best news is that it isn't that hard.

If you have already written your resume, the words you need are already mapped out for you. It's just a matter of weaving them in and out of a few paragraphs then you will be on your way to your new job. Ok, well, it is a little more involved than that, but quite honestly, it doesn't have to be as difficult as some sites make it out to be.

Show your enthusiasm

If you don't have any enthusiasm, find someone who does and borrow some. You need to create a sense of urgency (without creating a sense of desperation) – a sense of excitement. Let the employer know that you are interested in working for the company in question.

One thing that is especially important in writing to the employer is knowing a little about the company so that you can logically tailor your words to the position and the organization. Do some research and share what you have learned in an engaging way. (Some of the links below offer more advice on this.)

Just as a resume has certain parameters to consider when creating it, so does this letter. There will be several links at the bottom of this page that provide additional information about what to do and what to avoid as well as what information is best suited for certain paragraphs. Use them. They are very helpful and will save you time.

This is not hard to do - really

In fact, once you have your resume in hand, the cover letter nearly writes itself. That's not to say that you can simply reiterate everything that is listed on the resume. It merely means that most of the legwork is actually done. You know what many of your strengths are. You have an understanding of what you plan to do (career-wise).

It's much easier to pull from the resume and reflect on your character when you have put the time in to create a professional personal history. Not only that, but since you know about the employer from having written your targeted resume, you have much of what you need to target the letter as well.

Take a look at the links below and you will find a wealth of information about writing in a way that invites employers to want to learn more about YOU. Once you are able to get the prospective employer interested, you are much more likely to get a phone call for a face to face interview.