

時間:2018-12-31 12:00:00 資料大全 我要投稿


俺的個人體會是negotiation skill的回答主要要側重 1 怎樣make compromise,怎樣finding a common middle ground to work from, 2. listening skills, the ability to comprehend and understand other's current and potential need. 3. problem solving, 怎樣提出solution 最后達到效果,


。 4. focus on the issue,跟別人negotiate時不涉及其他personal 或者 business issue.  回答這類問題仍然要按照回答interview questions固有的`STAR 模式,也就是  situation, task, action, result. 大部分這類問題的回答interviewer都知道大家是靠吹的,所以要表達能力和語言組織能力和最后強調一下action 和result更加重要?梢赃x擇的case和scenario很多,可以是external customer的例子比如和客戶,合作伙伴的negotiation,或者internal customer比如與其他部門的negotation.

這里隨便舉個working with internal customer的例子比如 once we have a conflicting with with our marketing director with regards to how the project documentation should be structured and formatted,we have a deadline of delivering product documentation to the marketing team and then to the customers in 5 days. i have approached the marketing director initially to discuss the issue, i also consulted our project manager on what documents format conventions are. having understood the technical requirements and the formatting conventions from the discussion with them, I have realized that the issue arises from the marketing team does not understand the software architecture and hence consider the document a user-guide type of document. having identified the conflict, I have worked overtime to enhance the both the technical aspects and the formatting aspects of the document together with the marketing director and our project manager, and resulted in mutually agreeable product documentation before the deadline. We have since established a library of pre-approved set of document templates for future usage.   


【NEGOTIATION SKILLS面試經(jīng)典問題】相關文章:

1.Negotiation Skills

2.Negotiation Skills Test

3.Negotiation Skills In the workplace

4.Skills in Business Negotiation

5.Hone your negotiation skills

6.Improving Your Negotiation Skills

7.Problem Solving Skills and Negotiation

8.The Missing Keys to Great Negotiation Skills