
Module 7 Travel Unit 2 We’re going

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Module 7 Travel Unit 2 We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs.教案

外研社版小學英語第三冊 Module 7 Travel  Unit 2 We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs. 教材分析: Module 7 Unit 2的主題是“travel”, 語言功能是談論將要進行的動作,學會表達將要進行的活動;學習任務為We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs.和新單詞stone, animals.   學情分析: 本課的教學對象是四年級的學生。通過三年級的學習,他們有一定的英語語言基礎,活潑好動, 樂于在老師和同學面前表現(xiàn)自己的長處,希望得到老師的肯定,有較強的求知欲。但是小學生不能長時間維持有意注意,需要設計有吸引力的授課環(huán)節(jié),穿插小活動以使學生得到適當放松并重新集中注意力。同時,學生初次接觸一般將來時,對這個時態(tài)很陌生,要注意聯(lián)系實際,還要注意趣味性,提高學生興趣。   教學目標: (一)知識目標 1、能聽懂、會說并認讀單詞stone, animals,并了解背景單詞the Ming Tombs, camels, scary, monster, help; 2、能聽懂、會說并認讀句子We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs/ the lions. (二)能力目標 使學生能對自己將要進行的活動進行描述。 (三)情感目標 培養(yǎng)學生的英語學習興趣和良好習慣,鼓勵學生大膽說英語,提高競爭意識和團結合作精神。充分利用好本課的內(nèi)容,簡單介紹明十三陵,引導學生熱愛祖國歷史文化;對于活動5,要引導學生熱愛動物,熱愛大自然,保護環(huán)境。   教學要點分析: (一)、教學重點 對計劃進行的活動進行表達,運用句型We’re going to do something. / I’m going to do something. (二)、教學難點 本單元的難點在于學習并應用一般將來時,小學生難以理解語法知識,因此在授課的過程中對于語法知識適當點撥即可,重在練習應用。   教學用具: 教材、單詞卡片、錄音機、錄音帶、自制單詞卡片。   教學過程: Step 1 Warming-up 1)  Free talk. 2)  Let’s sing a song. “I can’t do it.” (欣賞上一單元的英文歌曲,有助于在課堂開始時調(diào)動學生的積極性,激發(fā)興趣,為本節(jié)課的繼續(xù)學習做好鋪墊。) 3)  In this class, we will have a competition. I will devide you into two groups. You are Group 1. You are Group 2. If you do well, I will give you a grape like this. At last, we’re going to find out how many grapes you have. Are you clear? OK, let’t see which group is the winner.(輔助肢體語言,向學生說明,我們這節(jié)課要進行一個比賽:全班分成兩大組,每組一片大葡萄葉,表現(xiàn)優(yōu)秀者獎勵葡萄,看哪個組得的葡萄最多哪個組就是冠軍。這樣從課堂一開始就調(diào)動學生的積極性,為取勝孩子們上課會積極投入地學習,并自發(fā)地遵守紀律。) 4)  Revision. Do you like travel? Yes, we all like travel. In Unit 1, Miss Smart ,Miss Wang, Amy and Sam are going to go to Hainan. Look at these pictures. Let’s repeat together.(本單元主題為travel,則利用We all like travel一句貫穿全課,引導學生在游覽名勝古跡的趣味中學習新知。利用四幅圖片,帶領學生復述上節(jié)課的四個一般將來時句子,,檢驗同學們的掌握情況,加深印象, 且為本單元學習做好鋪墊。) Step 2、Presentation 1)  Today, Miss Smart says, “We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs.” What are the Ming Tombs? Where are the Ming Tombs? In Chinese, we say 明十三陵.They are in Beijing. (進行情感教育:我們的祖國中國有五千年的歷史,在歷史的長河中沉淀了豐富的歷史文化古跡,明十三陵則是其中之一。所以我們應該熱愛祖國的傳統(tǒng)文化,熱愛祖國。So we should love China.) In the Ming Tombs, we can see lots of interesting things. What are the interesting things? Let’s come to Module 7 Unit 2. (此段導語由Unit 1過渡至Unit 2, 引出本課的學習內(nèi)容。) 2) Listen to the tape. Point at your books. (先整體聽一遍新課文,形成整體概念,同時培養(yǎng)學生良好的指讀習慣。) 3) Listen again. Underline the new words. (再聽兩遍,畫出生詞。體現(xiàn)自主學習。) 4) Learn the new words. (請學生看卡片學習新單詞。期間舉例讓學生猜測詞義,體現(xiàn)探索、主動思考的精神。) 重點單詞stone, animals; 背景單詞camels, scary, roar, monster, help. 5) Listen to the tape and repeat. (聽錄音,跟讀兩遍。然后齊讀,糾正錯誤發(fā)音) 6) Answer my questions.   a. Who are going to visit the Ming Tombs?   b. When are they going to visit the Ming Tombs?   c. What are the scary animals? 7) Read by yourselves. Then show to the class. (先自己讀,自己消化,重難點小組內(nèi)討論解決。再集體讀,糾正發(fā)音。) 8) Roll-play. (四人小組進行分角色表演。既能夠調(diào)動學生的積極性,又能充分發(fā)揮小組合作的優(yōu)勢,盡量使所有組員掌握學習內(nèi)容。) Step 3 Practice 1)  導語:We all like travel. So we’re going to go to the zoo tomorrow. Read after me.(用主題”travel”貫穿全文。) 2)  Before we go to the zoo, let’s enjoy a song together. “The Zoo” (欣賞活動3的歌曲,放松休息一下,體現(xiàn)英語課的趣味性。) 3)  At the zoo, we can see lots of animals. What animals can we see? Look at this picture, what’s this? We can say, I’m going to visit the lions. Who have lions? Stand up and say this sentence. (向學生展示各種動物圖片, 并引導說出句子。) 4) Groupwork. Take out your own animals. Work in groups of four. (讓學生提前畫的動物圖片,小組內(nèi)開展去動物園參觀旅游活動。)在小組展示的過程中,指出人稱變化,He’s/ She’s/They’re going to do something. Step 4 Summary and homework What have you learned today? (讓學生自己思考總結今天的學習成果,總結提升。注意提升高度:We should love China. We should love animals and protect animals.) Homework: And tomorrow we’re going to go to the park. What can we do in the park? So we can say, I’m going to play foolball/ read a book/ take pictures. Make diologues in your groups. We’re going to show it next class. Let’t see which group is the winner. Congratulations! One two three, great great great! (評出優(yōu)勝組,鼓勵下次繼續(xù)努力。)    

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