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Dos and Donts of Chinese New Year


Wish everyone you meet a happy New Year by saying "gong xi fa cai", which translates to: "Have a happy and prosperous New Year!" 對每一個你遇到的人道一聲:“恭喜發(fā)財”,翻譯成英文就是:“在新的一年里擁有幸福繁榮的生活”;

Wear articles of red clothing because red symbolizes luck. 穿紅色布料做成的飾品,因為紅色昭示著幸運;

Eat vegetarian food because it's not good to see blood. 吃素食,因為見血是不吉利的;

Buy new trousers because the Chinese word for trousers is "fu", (Chinese homonym for wealth) 買新褲子(衣服),因為漢語里褲子就是“服”,(在漢語里與財富的“富”諧音);

Children should stay up as late as possible on New Year's Eve for it is believed that the later they stay up, the longer their parents will live. 孩子應(yīng)該在除夕之夜盡可能晚睡、熬夜因為據(jù)說他們睡的越晚,他們的父母越長壽;

Visit family (especially those older than yourself) and friends to pass on your wishes on good fortune for the New Year. (plus kids and single people will receive lai-see lucky red packets full of money. 拜訪親戚朋友(尤其是比你年長的),傳遞你對他們來年幸福的美好祝愿(另外孩子和單身的人將會得到裝滿錢的幸運紅包,稱為“來喜”。)

Give two lai see to each child. Because happiness comes in two's, do not just give one. This is your way of passing good luck to the next generation. Business owners also give lai see to employees and associates. 給每個孩子兩份“來喜”(我覺得應(yīng)該指錢是偶數(shù)的),因為好事成雙,不要只給一份。這是你把祝愿傳遞給下一代的方法。企業(yè)主(老板)也要給員工和同事紅包。


Don't wear white or black clothing, since they are the traditional colours of mourning. 不要穿白色或黑色服裝,因為這是傳統(tǒng)意義上喪事的顏色;

Don't buy new shoes for the first month of the New Year, because the sound of shoe in Chinese is "hai". "Hai" is similar to the sound of sighing, which Chinese believe is not a good way to start the year. 不要在新年的第一個月買新鞋,因為在漢語里鞋的發(fā)音是“孩”(好像是四川地區(qū)的發(fā)音), 它與嘆息”唉“相近,中國人認為這不是新年伊始的好兆頭。

Don't wash your hair for the first three days of the New Year, because the Chinese word for hair is a homonym for the Chinese word for wealth. Therefore, Chinese believe it isn't a good thing to 'wash away your wealth' right at the start of the New Year. 在新年的前三天里不要洗頭,因為漢語里“頭發(fā)”的“發(fā)”和“發(fā)財”的“發(fā)”同音。因此,中國認為在新年伊始把財富給沖走可不是好兆頭。

Floors may not be swept and garbage may not be disposed of on the first day of the New Year for fear of casting riches out the door. 在新年第一天,不拖地,不扔垃圾,因為怕把"財"給送走了;

Don't swear or quarrel. 不要詛咒發(fā)誓,也不愿吵架;

Don't break any dishes, otherwise you may incur more misfortune for the New Year. In the event of breaking a dish, quickly say " Peace for all time", and the bad luck will be warded away. 不要打破碗碟,否則在來年你可能會遭遇不幸。一旦打破了,要馬上說“歲歲平安”,這樣壞運氣就會被趕走了;

Don't greet people who are in mourning. 不要向服喪期的人們問候(主要指不要說喜慶的話吧?)

Don't drop your chopsticks. 不要讓筷子掉地上;

Don't say the number 'four' (Chinese homonym for death) or mention death. 不要說數(shù)字“四”(漢語里和“死”諧音)或者提到死;

Don't borrow or lend money. 不要借錢也不要借給別人錢。





春節(jié)禁忌 -資料04-25





