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  高考英語真題完形填空題·完全解析(江蘇卷) 1

  We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever weve become used to suddenly disappears. __1__, for example, the neatly- dressed woman I __2__ to see -- or look at -- on my way to work each morning.

  For three years, no matter __3__ the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8:00 am. On __4__ days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. Summertime __5__ out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses. __6__, she was an ordinary working woman. Of course, I __7__ all this only after she was seen no more. It was then that I realized how __8__ I expected to see her each morning. You might say I __9__ her. "Did she have an accident? Something __10__?" I thought to myself about her __11__. Now that she was gone, I felt I had __12__ her. I began to realize that part of our __13__ life probably includes such chance meetings with familiar __14__: the milkman you see at dawn, the woman who __15__ walks her dog along the street every morning, the twin brothers you see at the library. Such people are __16__ markers in our eyes. They add weight to our __17__ of place and belonging.

  Think about it. __18__, while walking to work, we mark where we are by __19__ a certain building, why should we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar, though __20__, person?

  1. A. Make B. Take C. Give D. Have

  2. A. happened B. wanted C. used D. tried

  3. A. what B. how C. which D. when

  4. A. sunny B. rainy C. cloudy D. snowy

  5. A. took B. brought C. carried D. turned

  6. A. Clearly B. Particularly C. Luckily D. Especially

  7. A. believed B. expressed C. remembered D. wondered

  8. A. long B. often C. soon D. much

  9. A. respected B. missed C. praised D. admired

  10. A. better B. worse C. more D. less

  11. A. disappearance B. appearance C. misfortune D. fortune

  12. A. forgotten B. lost C. known D. hurt

  13. A. happy B. enjoyable C. frequent D. daily

  14. A. friends B. strangers C. tourists D. guests

  15. A. regularly B. actually C. hardly D. probably

  16. A. common B. pleasant C. important D. faithful

  17. A. choice B. knowledge C. decision D. sense

  18. A. Because B. If C. Although D. However

  19. A. keeping B. changing C. passing D. mentioning

  20. A. unnamed B. unforgettable C. unbelievable D. unreal


  1-5BCADB 6-10ACDBB 11-15ACDBA 16-20CDBCA


  1 B 固定搭配 make an example of sb.懲罰某人以儆他人, 懲一儆百;take sth. for example以……為例,例如;give an example to做...榜樣, 樹立(好)榜樣;have sth. as an example把……當做榜樣/例子。

  2 C 詞匯用法詞義比較 在每天早晨上班路上作者們總是(used)有意或無意看到的穿戴整潔的女性。happen to do碰巧want to do想要;used to do過去總是,經(jīng)常;try to do企圖。

  3 A 詞匯用法句法結構 不管天氣怎么樣,八點種左右她總是在等著公共汽車。like(象)是介詞,需要名詞特征的what(什么)作賓語,what…is/was like?……怎么樣?如果沒有l(wèi)ike ,則可以選用how(怎么樣);which(哪個)和when(什么時侯)不用于這結構。

  4 D 常識運用前后照應 只有在有冰雪的(snowy)日子,才穿厚實的衣服,才戴毛紡的手套,而不是在晴(sunny)天,雨(rainy)天,或陰(cloudy)天。后文的summertime有某種暗示。

  5 B 常識運用詞義比較 夏天的日子里,她顯露出/穿出(bring out)整潔的束著腰帶的棉布女服,帽子戴在頭上,低低地遮住太陽鏡。take out拿出, 取出;bring out生產(chǎn),制造,使顯露;carry out完成,執(zhí)行;turn out關閉,出產(chǎn),結果。

  6 A 邏輯推理詞義比較 很明顯(clearly),可以看出她是一個普通的上班族婦女。clearly明朗地, 明顯地;particularly獨特地, 顯著地;luckily幸運地;especially特別, 尤其。

  7 C 詞義比較邏輯推理 在她消失之后,作者才想起來(remember)了這一切,而不是相信(believe),表達(express),納悶(wonder)這一切。

  8 D 詞義比較邏輯推理 直到那時作者才意識到每天早晨作者非常(much)想看到她。long長時間地;often經(jīng)常,常常,表示動作出現(xiàn)的頻率;soon不久,立刻;much非常,很,表示動作的程度。

  9 B 邏輯推理詞義比較 作者肯定尊敬(respect)她,也贊美(praise)過她,羨慕(admire)過她,但卻見不到她,就只有暗暗地思念(miss)她了。

  10 B 邏輯推理 她是不是出了什么意外?是不是出了更為糟糕(worse)的事情?作者在暗暗思念,為她焦慮,擔心她會有什么不測。

  11 A 詞義比較邏輯推理前后照應 作者在為她的消失(disappearance)暗自思忖,也許她有了好運(fortune),也許她遭了不幸(misfortune),也許她什么時候有會出現(xiàn)(appearance)。前文until whatever weve become used to suddenly disappears和she was seen no more和后文she was gone已有所暗示。

  12 C 邏輯推理詞義比較 既然她消失了,作者沒有傷害過(hurt),沒有錯過(lose)她,也沒有忘記過(forget)她,而是熟悉(know)她了。

  13 D 詞義比較固定搭配 作者開始意識到,我們也許幸福的(happy),也許愉快的(enjoyable)日常(daily)生活就包括著這樣的與既熟悉又陌生的人的偶然的相會。frequent(頻繁的,時常發(fā)生的)通常不與life 這樣的詞連用,而通常與動作名詞連用。

  14 B 前后照應邏輯推理詞義比較修辭運用 他們既非朋友(friends),也非游客(tourists),也非客人(guests)。既熟悉又陌生的人(strangers)。此處文章作者運用的是矛盾修辭格手法,既用一個含義相反的形容詞來修飾一個名詞,例如,painful pleasure悲喜交集,honourable villain體面的惡棍,Love is sweet torment.愛是甜蜜的痛苦。

  15 A 詞義比較常識運用 每天早晨總是(regularly)沿街遛狗的女人。regularly經(jīng)常,總是,指有動作發(fā)生的規(guī)律性;actually實際上,事實上;hardly幾乎不;probably或許,大概。

  高考英語真題完形填空題·完全解析(江蘇卷) 2

  On Oct. 11, hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race in Minnesota. Melanie Bailey should have21 the course earlier than she did. Her22 came because she was carrying a23 across the finish line.

  As reported by a local newspaper, Bailey was more than two-thirds of the way through her24 when a runner in front of her began crying in pain. She25 to help her fellow runner, Danielle Lenoue. Bailey took her arm to see if she could walk forward with26 . She couldn’t. Bailey then27 to let Lenoue climb onto her back and carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where Lenoue could get28 attention.

  Once there, Lenoue was29 and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious injuries in one of her knees. She would have struggled with extreme30 to make it to that aid checkpoint without Bailey’s help.

  As for Bailey, she is more31 about why her act is considered a big32 . “She was just crying. I couldn’t33 her,” Bailey told the reporter. “I feel like I was just doing the right thing.”

  Although the two young women were strangers before the34 , they’ve since become friends. Neither won the race, but the35 of human kindness won the day.

  21. A.designedB.followedC.changedD.finished

  22. A.delayB.chanceC.troubleD.excuse

  23. A.judgeB.volunteerC.classmateD.competitor

  24. A.raceB.schoolC.townD.training

  25. A.agreedB.returnedC.stoppedD.promised

  26. A.courageB.aidC.patienceD.advice

  27. A.went awayB.stood upC.stepped asideD.bent down

  28. A.medicalB.publicC.constantD.equal

  29. A.interruptedB.assessedC.identifiedD.appreciated

  30. A.hungerB.painC.coldD.tiredness

  31. A.worriedB.ashamedC.confusedD.discouraged

  32. A.gameB.problemC.lessonD.deal

  33. A.leaveB.cureC.botherD.understand

  34. A.rideB.testC.meetD.show

  35. A.secretB.displayC.benefitD.exchange


  21. D22. A23. D24. A25. C26. B27. D28. A29. B30. B31. C32. D33. A34. C35. B


  21.考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:Melanie Bailey應該更早完成比賽。A. designed設計;B. followed跟隨;C. changed改變;D. finished完成。根據(jù)下一段的“carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where Lenoue could get ____28____ attention”可知,Bailey在比賽中背一名參賽者,所以完成比賽晚了,因此句子表示“Melanie Bailey應該更早完成比賽”。故選D。

  22.考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:她的延遲是因為她背著一名競爭對手沖過終點線。A. delay延誤;B. chance機會;C. trouble麻煩;D. excuse借口。根據(jù)上文“Melanie Bailey should have ____21____ the course earlier than she did”和上一題的解析可知,Melanie Bailey應該更早完成比賽,她的延遲是因為她背著一名競爭對手沖過終點線。故選A。

  23.考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:她的延遲是因為她背著一名參賽者沖過終點線。A. judge裁判;B. volunteer志愿者;C. classmate同學;D. competitor參賽者。根據(jù)第一段的“hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race”可知,她是背著一名參賽者沖過終點線。故選D。

  24.考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:據(jù)當?shù)匾患覉蠹垐蟮溃擝ailey跑到比賽的三分之二多的時候,她前面的一名選手開始痛苦地哭泣。A. race比賽;B. school學校;C. town城鎮(zhèn);D. training訓練。根據(jù)第一段的“hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race”可知,此處是說“當Bailey跑到比賽的三分之二多的時候”。故選A。

  25,考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:她停下來幫助她的同伴Danielle Lenoue。A. agreed同意;B. returned回來;C. stopped停止;D. promised答應。根據(jù)下文“to help her fellow runner”可知,她停下來幫助她的同伴Danielle Lenoue。故選C。

  26,考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:Bailey扶著她的胳膊,看看她能否幫助下向前走。A. courage勇氣;B. aid幫助;C. patience耐心;D. advice建議。根據(jù)上文“Bailey took her arm”可知,此處表示看她是否能在她的幫助下向前走。故選B。

  27.考查動詞短語辨析。句意:然后Bailey彎下腰,讓Lenoue爬到她的背上,一路背著她走到終點線,然后又走了300英尺,到Lenoue接受治療的地方。A. went away離開;B. stood up站起來;C. stepped aside讓路;D. bent down彎腰。根據(jù)下文“l(fā)et Lenoue climb onto her back”可知,Bailey彎下腰,讓勒諾爬到她的背上。故選D。

  28.考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:然后Bailey彎下腰,讓Lenoue爬到她的背上,一路背著她走到終點線,然后又走了300英尺,到Lenoue接受治療的地方。A. medical醫(yī)療的;B. public公眾的;C. constant持續(xù)不斷的;D. equal平等的。根據(jù)上文“began crying in pain”可知,Danielle Lenoue很疼,所以是要接受治療,medical attention意為“醫(yī)療救助”。故選A。

  29.考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:Lenoue在那里接受了檢查,后來被送往醫(yī)院,在那里她得知自己的一個膝蓋受了重傷。A. interrupted打斷;B. assessed評估;C. identified識別;D. appreciated感激。根據(jù)下文“l(fā)ater taken to a hospital”可知,她是先接受了檢查,再被送往醫(yī)院,也就是先接受評估。故選B。

  30.考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:如果沒有Bailey的幫助,她可能會在極度的痛苦中掙扎著到達那個援助檢查站。A. hunger饑餓;B. pain疼痛;C. cold感冒;D. tiredness疲勞。根據(jù)第5空前的“began crying in pain”可知,此處表示“如果沒有Bailey的幫助,她可能會在極度的痛苦中掙扎著到達那個援助檢查站”。故選B。

  31.考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:至于Bailey,她更困惑的是為什么她的行為被認為是一件大事。A. worried擔心的;B. ashamed慚愧的;C. confused困惑的;D. discouraged泄氣的。根據(jù)下文“I feel like I was just doing the right thing”可知,Bailey覺得自己只是做了正確的事情,所以她對她的行為被認為是一件大事感到困惑。故選C。

  32.考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:至于Bailey,她更困惑的是為什么她的行為被認為是一件大事。A. game游戲;B. problem問題;C. lesson課;D. deal交易,局面。根據(jù)下文“I feel like I was just doing the right thing”可知,Bailey覺得自己只是做了正確的事情,所以她對她的行為被認為是一件大事感到困惑,a big deal意為“非常重要的事”。故選D。

  33.考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:我不能離開她。A. leave離開;B. cure治愈;C. bother打擾;D. understand理解。根據(jù)上文“She was just crying”以及Lenoue爬到她的背上,一路背著她走到終點線,然后又走了300英尺?芍珺ailey看見Lenoue哭喊,所以覺得不能離開她。故選A。

  34.考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:雖然這兩個年輕女子在那場體育比賽之前是陌生人,但后來她們成了朋友。A. ride短途旅程;B. test測試;C. meet體育比賽;D. show展示。根據(jù)第一段“hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race”及空前的“the two young women were strangers before”可知,當時是一場比賽,句子表示“這兩個年輕女子在那場體育比賽之前是陌生人”。故選C。

  35.考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:兩人都沒有贏得比賽,但展示出的人類善良贏得了勝利。A. secret秘密;B. display展示;C. benefit利益;D. exchange交換。根據(jù)第二段的“l(fā)et Lenoue climb onto her back and carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where Lenoue could get ____28____ attention”可知,Bailey背著一個參賽者過終點,并背她去接受檢查,這展示了人類的善良,故選B。









