

時(shí)間:2021-02-26 09:44:57 大學(xué)英語 我要投稿




大學(xué)英語作文 篇1

  -ears pricked forward intently as it watched the man and the man, as he beat and threshed with his arms and hands, felt a great surge of envy as he regarded the creature that was warm ant secure in its natural covering。

  after a time he was aware of the first far-away signals of sensation in his beaten fingers。 the faint tingling grew stronger till it evolved into a stinging ache that was ecruciating, but which the man hailed with satisfaction。 he stripped the mitten from his right hand and fetched forth the birch bark。 the eposed fingers were quickly going numb again。 net he brought out his bunch of sulphur matches。 but the tremendous cold had already driven the life out of his fingers。 in his effort to separate one match from the others, the whole bunch fell in the snow。 he tried to pick it out of the snow, but failed。 the dead fingers could neither touch nor clutch。 he was very careful。 he drove the thought of his freezing feet, and nose, and cheeks, out of his mind, devoting his whole soul to the matches。 he watched, using the sense of vision in place of that of touch, and when he saw his fingers on each side the bunch, he dosed them--that is, he willed to close them, for the wires were down, and the fingers did not obey。 he pulled the mitten on the right hand and beat it fiercely against his knee。 then。 with both mittened hands, he scooped the bunch of matches, along with much snow, into his lap。 yet he was no better off。

  after some manipulation he managed to get the bunch between the heels of his mittened hands。 in this fashion he carried it to his mouth。 the ice crackled and snapped when by a violent effort he opened his mouth。 he drew the lower jaw in, curled the upper lip out of the way, and scraped the bunch with his upper teeth in order to separate a match。 he succeeded in getting one, which he dropped on his lap。 he was no better off。 he could not pick it up。 then he devised a way。 he picked it up in his teeth and scratched it on his leg。 twenty times he scratched before he succeeded in lighting it。 as it flamed he held it with his teeth to the birch bark。 but the burning brimstone went up his nostrils and into his lungs, causing him to cough spasmodically。 the match fell into the snow and went out。

  the old-timer an sulphur creek was right, he thought in the moment of controlled despair that ensued after fifty below, a man should travel with a partner。 he beat his hands, but failed in eciting any sensation。 suddenly he bared both hands, removing the mittens with his teeth。 he caught the whole bunch between the heels of his hands。 his arm muscles not being frozen enabled him to press the hand-heels tightly against the matches。 then he scratched the bunch along his leg it flared into flame, seventy sulphur matches at once! there was no wind to blow them out he kept his head to one side to escape the strangling fumes, and held the blazing bunch to the birth bark。 as he so held it, he became aware of sensation in his hand。 his flesh was burning。 he could smell it。 deep down below the surface he could feel it。 the sensation developed into pain that grew acute。 and still he endured, it holding the flame of the matches clumsily to the bark that would not light readily because his own burning hands were in the way, absorbing most of the flame。

  at last, when he could endure no more, he jerked his hands apart。 the blazing matches fell sizzling into the snow, but the birch bark was alight。 he began laying dry grasses and the tiniest twigs on the flame。 he could not pick and choose, for he had to lift the fuel between the heels of his hands。 small pieces of rotten wood and green moss clung to the twigs, and he bit them off as well as he could with his teeth。 he cherished the flame carefully and awkwardly。 it meant life, and it must not perish。 the withdrawal of blood from the surface of his body now made him begin to shiver, and he grew more awkward。 a large piece of green moss fell squarely on the little fire。 he tried to poke it out with his fingers, but his shivering frame made him poke too far and he disrupted the nucleus of the little fire, the burning grasses and tiny twigs separating and scattering。 he tried to poke them together again, but in spite of the tenseness of the effort, his shivering got away with him, and the twigs were hopelessly scattered。 each twig gushed a puff of smoke and went out。 the fire-provider had failed。 as he looked apathetically about him, his eyes chanced on the dog, sitting across the ruins of the fire from him, in the snow, making restless, hunching movements, slightly lifting one forefoot and then the other, shifting its weight back and forth on them with wistful eagerness。

  the sight of the dog put a wild idea into his head。 he remembered the tale of the man, caught in a blizzard, who killed a steer and crawled inside the carcass, and so was saved。 he would kill the dog and bury his hands in the warm body until the numbness went out of them。 then he could build another fire。 he spoke to the dog, calling it to him; but in his voice was a strange note of fear that frightened the animal, who had never known the man to speak in such way before。 something was the matter, and its suspicious nature sensed danger--it knew not what danger, but somewhere, somehow, in its brain arose an apprehension of the man。 it flattened its ears down at the sound of the mans voice, and its restless, hunching movements and the liftings and shiftings of its forefeet became more pronounced; but it would not come to the man。 he got on his hands and knees and crawled toward the dog。 this unusual posture again ecited suspicion, and the animal sidled mincingly away。

  the man sat up in the snow for a moment and struggled for calmness。 then he pulled on his mittens, by means of his teeth, and got upon his feet。 he glanced down at first in order to assure himself that he was really standing up, for the absence of sensation in his feet left him unrelated to the earth。 his erect position in itself started to drive the webs of suspicion from the dogs mind; and when he spoke peremptorily, with the sound of whiplashes in his voice, the dog rendered its customary allegiance and came to him。 as it came within reaching distance, the man lost his control。 his arms flashed out to the dog, and he eperienced genuine surprise when he discovered that his hands could not clutch, that there was neither bend nor feeling in the fingers。 he had forgotten for the moment that they were frozen and that they were freezing more and more。 all this happened quickly, and before the animal could get away, he encircled its body with his arms。 he sat down in the snow, and in this fashion held the dog, while it snarled and whined and struggled。

  but it was all he could do, hold its body encircled in his arms and sit there。 he realized that he could not kill the dog。 there was no way to do it。 with his helpless hands he could neither draw nor hold his sheath knife nor throttle the animal。 he released it, and it plunged wildly away, with tail between its legs, and still snarling。 it halted forty feet away and surveyed him curiously, with ears sharply pricked forward。 the man looked down at his hands in order to locate them, and found them hanging on the ends of his arms。 it struck him as curious that one should have to use his eyes in order to find out where his hands were。 he began threshing his arms back and forth, beating the mittened hands against his sides。 he did this for five minutes, violently, and his heart pumped enough blood up to the surface to put a stop to his shivering。 but no sensation was aroused in the hands。 he had an impression that they hung like weights on the ends of his arms, but when he tried to run the impression down, he could not find it。

  a certain fear of death, dull and oppressive, came to him。 this fear quickly became poignant as he realized that it was no longer a mere matter of freezing his fingers and toes, or of losing his hands and feet, but tha

大學(xué)英語作文 篇2

  We all know that books are a source of knowledge.But there are those who think what the book contains must be right.It is stupid to follow the books without any thinking.As the old saying goes,to believe everything in books is worse than to have no books at all.

  At present, to meet the needs of various tests, the method of memorizing mechanically is still current and the habit of bookish study is still popular in the course of education.Students tend to take it for granted that the all the information revealed by books.If we fully trust what books say,we may get the wrong or one-sided information.What’s more,the theory in books is not always suitable for the real situation.It may bring about unnecessary trouble to us with being analyzed.It is very important for us to develop our ability too think independently, rather than blindly accepting everything in books.

  In conclusion,we should keep it in mind that to learn in a mechanical way does no good to our study.We can not merely copy the book theory without our own thinking.

大學(xué)英語作文 篇3

  As the successor to the great motherland in the future business, we are a new generation of college students should establish their own early history sense of responsibility, improve their social adaptation ability. Holiday social practice is a good exercise their own opportunities. Today, money is not the sole purpose of work already, more people see it as a chance to participate in social practice, improve their abilities. Many schools also actively encourage college students to contact society, understand the society, on the one hand, can learn the theoretical knowledge applied to practice and improve various aspects ability; On the other hand can accumulate experience helpful for future employment. In social practice, the ideal is to find an internship with this professional counterparts, thus improve their actual combat level, as well as the textbook knowledge used in practice, so as to better guide their study in the future. But as a haven't graduate, because itself has professional knowledge is very limited, so I chose to break up the work for the first time the way of social practice. To be familiar with the society. As for the profession itself, no high and low points, existence is reasonable. Through a few days working experience can make the campus for a long time we have a more intuitive understanding to the society.

  Practice: since entered the university, the employment problem is always seems to be around us, became a subject that does not say. In today's society, the job fair posters are always reads "experience is preferred, but also we the class students in campus social experience will have how many? In order to expand their knowledge, broaden the contact area and social, to increase personal experience in social competition, exercise and improve their own ability, so that in the future after the graduation can really really walk into society, able to adapt to the change of the economic situation at home and abroad, and be able to in the life and work well with all aspects of the problem, I began my this holiday social practice - into the ganzhou city jin yuan leisure restaurant.

  Practice, it is the theoretical knowledge we learned in school, apply to the objective reality, to the theory of knowledge has nowhere to go. Just learn don't practice, so is equal to zero. Theory should be combined with practice. After the practice, on the other hand, can be ground to look for a job. Through this period of practice, learn some things not learn in school. Because of the different environment, contact with different people and things, to learn what nature is not the same. Learn to learn from practice, from learning in practice. And in China's rapid economic development, and joined the wto, the domestic and foreign economic changes with each passing day, every day there are new things emerge continuously, with the more and more opportunities at the same time, also have more challenge, just learned the day before yesterday may have been eliminated in the day, the more China's economy and the outside world, will be more and more high to the requirement of talents, we don't just learn knowledge learned in the school, should constantly from life, practice middle school other knowledge, armed themselves from various aspects, to highlight yourself in the competition, behave yourself.

大學(xué)英語作文 篇4

  Nowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment。 They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs。 What is the cause of this phenomenon?

  In my opinion, there are four causes:

  First, graduates lack experience。 They spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and lack relevant job training。 Only after graduation do they realize it’s hard to find jobs。

  Second, competition among graduates grows more bitter and more bitter and bitter。 The supply of university graduates exceeds social demand。 This results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job。

  Third, some students don’t study hard。 Some of them skip classes just because they have no interest in certain subjects。 Some play computer games or pursue other interests。 Some sleep in class or in the library。 Then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus, to discover they don’t have adequate knowledge to apply for many positions, which makes them feel lost and frustrated。

  Finally, some graduates are conceited。 They lack experience but ask for a high salary, which is impractical。

  So, university students should try their best to change this situation。 When they are in school, they should make the most of their time and put their heart into their studies。 They can hold part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant work experience。 They should take part in some social activities and provide themselves with special training, if possible。 When they graduate and apply for jobs, they should attach more importance to accumulating experience than to their starting salary。

大學(xué)英語作文 篇5

  My First Year in College

  Many high school graduates wrongly assume that university life is totally free from worries。 After a period of serious and solemn study in senior three, the hard beavers expect to take a break and develop some habits。 However, many may find later that the situation may be beyond their anticipation。

  I've tried to convince the adults around that the image they have of my university life as a free and unrestrained one is some what misunderstanding。 In reality, school life is so busy that I sometimes wonder if my energy is enough。

  About my first year in college, my life is mainly made up of two parts, study and practice。As a student, the main task is study。 In order to gain a high GPA, I have to get used to the college life style and begin a new pursue in study。 It is the learning method that shows off most of the differences between senior study and college study。 ! have a roommate who goes out to have lessons in the morning and comes back in the evening after the self—study classroom is closed。 The peers' behaviors make me feel under pressure。 In university, one% view of life is integrally formed and strengthened。 I begin to program my future plan and realize that study itself is an affair for me。 The more courses I learn by heart, the more maturity I get。 University education ensures students of better jobs。I usually reckon that time consuming on study is worthwhile as it bears such important events as occupation, career and responsibility。

  To some extent, study and practice are intertwined, and they begin from the very start of freshman year。 Student Union enjoys almost complete acceptance。 It is a place where one can get his ability trained, have his competence applied and make a lot of friends who share the same interests with him。 But sometimes, social activities and practices are time consuming, what's more, the sense of responsibility also requires you to make effort to fulfill the task。

  No one starts in one's present position all along that it was what he or she wants to do。 Sometimes, the chance will just lead you down some unforeseen trail only if you have a prepared mind。 My first year in college is not relaxed, but all way along is full of curiosity and satisfaction。

大學(xué)英語作文 篇6

  When I have free time, I wouldlike get up early to walk in the forest in the morning, because I want tobreathe the fresh air. I think it's a good way to keep healthy.


  In the afternoon, in order toembrace our nature, I'm going to take a ride around the countryside. Since everythingcomes from our nature, nothing is more beautiful than our nature. We must learnhow to appreciate her.


  In the evening, I want to gettogether with my friends who I talk and play with. At night, I would like tomake some beautiful pictures on computer. And then I will send them togetherwith my best wishes to my best friends.


  On weekends, I usually to gofishing with my friends, for it's not only a good exercise, but also a goodentertainment.


  What's more, I will climb themountains and enjoy the beautiful flowers in Guangzhou in spring days. As forsummer, I'll go to Zhuhai. There I can enjoy myself at the seaside. It must bea wonderful experience for me. In autumn, I'll go boating on the West Lake inHangzhou. In winter, I plan to go to Shenzhen. As it's in the tropical zone,it's warm and comfortable all the year round.


  If I can live such a happy life,I will be the happiest man alive.


大學(xué)英語作文 篇7

  1. 答案統(tǒng)一的,即不辯證的。


  2. 辯證的


  (一) 選用開頭方法:



  Nowadays, there has been a heated debate about/that


  Some of my fellow students hold the opinion that



  肯定 : From my perspective

  I am inclined to support the idea that

  否定:Personally, however, I disagree upon this view for some obvious reasons:


  In contemporary society, there is a growing tendency over the resent years for sb to do sth.


大學(xué)英語作文 篇8

  More Chances Should Be Offered to Women to Do Some High-level Jobs

  Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society and economy, there have emerged many working opportunities. But there exists a problem that high-level jobs are mostly occupied by men even though some women are also competent. That disagrees with the equality of men and women.

  When we talk about this phenomenon, first we must admit that there exist some differences between men and women. Then we should know that neither side could be regarded better or worse. For example, if you say men are often cairn and objective, but don't you see some men are more careless than women? Besides, if you think women are always hesitant and sensitive, then what would you say when they behave thoughtfully in work? Therefore there are not absolute advantages for men when considering their gender.

  In another way, if you're a leader, what will be your criteria of selecting a candidate? Would you rather choose a guy just for he is a male and ignore another more competent lady? So whether or not a person has the ability for the job should be the first thing to consider.

  However, this kind of prejudice has been existing for a long time. No matter men or women have been affected more or less, this idea has even made some women lose confidence in themselves. Therefore our whole society and especially our government should take efficient measure to encourage acertain percentage of jobs especially high level jobs to be reserved for women.

  Through this way, we would hopefully see that more and more outstanding women can be working in their favourite jobs and can get their desirable position. And just by that our working field can be called a kind of equality of men and women.






大學(xué)英語作文 篇9

  Nowadays fewer and fewer students pay attention to their spoken English, which results in a dramatic increase in the number of students who can spell English words but are incapable of speaking them fluently or correctly. This phenomenon has aroused many peoples attention.

  Why does such a phenomenon emerge? As far as Im concerned, there are possibly two reasons contributing to this phenomenon. On the one hand, exam-oriented education makes many schools lay emphasis on passing the English exams, which leads to the lack of speaking environment for students to practice their spoken English. On the other hand, students themselves dont realize the importance of the ability to speak English which has a great influence on their future study and career development.

  To change this situation, I think, we can take the following measures. First, the importance of oral English should be emphasized to raise students awareness of the necessity of speaking English. Second, exams should be modified to make students pay attention to their spoken English. Third, schools can organize various activities to arouse students interest in speaking English.

大學(xué)英語作文 篇10


  The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities .



  While it remains to be seen whether or not environmental deterioration can be controlled , the current prospects are far from encouraging . People around the world must act immediately to prevent the situation from deteriorating even further .



  The methodology suggested may not guarantee ultimate success , but the eventual pay-off could well be worth the effort . Achieving even partial success will benefit mankind and contribute to creating a better world .



  There are no immediate solutions for reversing the Asian financial crisis , but convincing affected nations to practice fiscal restraint will be highly beneficial .







On Sleep大學(xué)英語作文06-19




