

時間:2021-09-29 17:21:54 大學(xué)英語 我要投稿




大學(xué)英語作文 篇1

  1) According to a recent study, 根據(jù)最近的一個研究

  2) A recent survey indicates that . So some people take the view that . Others, however, don t think so. 最近一項調(diào)查表明 。所以有些人認為 ,而另一些人卻不這樣認為。

  3) No one can deny the fact that , but 沒有人能否認這一事實 ,但

  4) A recent newspaper report on a survey among states that 最近一家報紙報道了在學(xué)生中間進行的一項調(diào)查,指出

  5) One of the of is, and always has been, that 的樂趣之一,而且永遠如此的,是

  6) Somebody has offered a fascinating insight into the nature of 某人已對 的本質(zhì)提出了有趣的深邃見解。

  7) According to a major new study, conducted by , 根據(jù) 的一項新的研究,

  8) One of the most striking things about sth. /sb. is that 關(guān)于某事/某人的最令人吃驚的'事情之一是

  9) Although the popular idea is that , a recent study shows that 雖然普遍的觀點是 , 但最近的一項研究顯示

  10) All scientific observations justify the view that 所有科學(xué)觀察都證明 的觀點是正確的。

大學(xué)英語作文 篇2

  It is about 4 months since I have arrived at Anhui University.It is so fast that my first term in the university is to be over.I have experienced a lot and thought a lot in this semester.

  Above all,I have a good time this year.I met a lot of new friends who are all very nice to others.I enjoy having class with them and playing with them when we are free.They are all my good friends and I will treasure our friendship forever.

  Next,I have more spare time than before.Sometimes I even don’t know what I can do apart from sleeping ,for which I feel guilty.I even never go to the library to get useful knowledge.So most time is wasted.

  Additionally,I have discovered that students can show their own ideas that can be different from the textbooks or teachers’,which I have never seen in my life.Besides,the forms of class are various ,which students get interested of.

  During this time,I also met some problems ,especially in grade.Without the teacher's always pushed ,my learning becomes worse and worse.I am very disappointed in myself.

  As far as I am concerned,this term is over.There is no point in regretting.I should make a great change that makes my life more meaningful in next term.And I will treasure the happy experience forever.That is all.

大學(xué)英語作文 篇3

  the lottery does more harm than good.

  lottery, reflecting people's dream of being rich overnight,is always a controversial subject.admittedly, it has made so great profits which our society may benefit from, but such profits could never compensate for the loss it costs.

  people may be surprised at the amazing development of lottery when they thoroughly look into it. is it a kind of capital in vestment or is there any deeper reason hidden behind? those who buy lottery tickets may have different backgrounds while they share the same goal, hoping that the free pie will fall some day as long as they keep throwing the money in.such attitude may gradually influence their personality and eventually form an opportunistic mentality. besides, even if you are the lucky guy,you won't be so happy as you've once epected. people around you may be green with envy; some may even hate you for your gaining the treasure effortlessly.

  it is commonly accepted that whether to buy lottery ticketsor not is just a personal affair. actually, it isn't。 we know that the real value of the tickets, we buy is no more than several pieces of paper。 according to the economics pattern, too fast circulation of currency may bring down the value of the money,especially when it is spent without any material production. the result is that our domestic financial condition will be out of control.

  lottery may help us gather the wealth of the whole society,but not in the proper way;it may donate a lot to the charities,but just a small part of what has gained.

大學(xué)英語作文 篇4

  Welcome to Our Lecture!

  To make our college life more colorful and to enrich college students' knowledge in culture, the Students' Union has organized a lecture titled "Across Cultures: Digital Media and Literary Activity".

  The lecture will be given by Professor Robert Johnson from the Department of English Literature of Pennsylvania University.

  Professor Johnson is known for his unique knowledge of the many connections between literary activity and new information technologies.

  He will present, in his humorous style, the relation he found between culture and technological development, which will surely enrich our college students' knowledge in culture and modern media and be helpful to our future study.

  The lecture will be held in the meeting room of the English Department from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Monday, December 3rd.

  You may also take your portable hard disk to copy courseware of the lecture for further reference.

  All the teachers and students are welcome to the lecture.

大學(xué)英語作文 篇5

  the following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of internet. netsurfers (網(wǎng)上沖浪者) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest information. besides, internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise (商品). what is more, people may get medical help or even vote on internet. its advantages seem countless.

  behind all this glowing talk, however, are some problems. internet makes people passive by stopping them making their own entertainment. so much so that when there is a breakdown or jam, people may find that world wide web turns into world wide wait. what is worse, some children have access to the scenes of violence and se. apart from these, it can be affected by viruses(病毒).

  we should handle its problems, meanwhile we should eploit its potential as well. with proper management of internet people ought to eperience more fruits of the information revolution. all the wisdom of the ages, all the information that has enlightened mankind for centuries, should be available to us with the healthy development of internet.

  核心剖析 文章開頭開門見山,段首句“the following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of internet.”緊扣提綱第一條“1.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的優(yōu)越性”。開篇內(nèi)容直奔主題。直進式的開頭決不拐彎抹角。直截了當(dāng)?shù)乇磉_并不排除藝術(shù)的表達方式。(段首句的寫法具有特色。)

大學(xué)英語作文 篇6

  A Letter of Invitation to Be the Judge

  Dear Professor Smith, I'm Li Ming, chairman of the Student Union.

  It's a great pleasure to invite you to be the judge for this year's English Drama Contest.

  As the main organizer of this competition, we have been busy preparing for two months.

  To our delight, everything has gone smoothly and it is just around the corner.

  According to the schedule, there will be two rounds.

  Twenty groups from different departments will compete in the preliminary contest which will be held on the next Saturday night, 7: 00 p. m., in the Student Club.

  Ten groups will be chosen to take part in the final one week later, at the same time and place as the first round.

  We heartily hope you can accept our invitation. It will be much appreciated if you can give us a prompt reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming









